With t-minus 7 hours to go for pinch-hitters, the IRC chat people are trying something new: the official unofficial chat Hippo. In theory, whomever has the Hippo prefix in chat can be private messaged for beta requests. The Hippo will then convey this information to the chatroom, thus preserving anonymity and promoting general stealthiness.
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Comments 5
1. Writer private msgs Hippo.
2. Hippo asks for fandom; need canon/grammar/structure?; contact info which will not be released without Writer's permission.
3. Hippo bullies room into finding a beta. Anyone willing to beta for this fandom and this fandom?
4. Potential beta private msgs Hippo.
5. Hippo vets p. beta with Writer, to see how and IF they want to exchange private info.
-- > Hippo lets all know that potential betas can be turned down for undisclosed reasons, with much appreciation for the offer.
6. If yes, Hippo private msgs p. beta and completes exchange of info.
7. Many thanks are exchanged, no matter what!
Ah well.
But th' betas are very, very good. *g*
ETA: ...wait, you have mIRC? You should be able to get in! "Select Server" and add the server irc.sff.net
Then /join #yuletide
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