It's letters time! If you're writing a letter along with your Yuletide sign-up, comment here with a link to your letter and also enter the details in
the 2019 tagset app. For browsing convenience, the app also generates
a google spreadsheet you can access directly.
What's the deal with letters?
Letters are an optional tradition of Yuletide. When you sign up to the event, there's a space in the form for linking to somewhere in your own space (journal, tumblr, etc) where you can go into detail about what you like in fic and fandom. This post collects these links. The prompts on AO3 are hidden through sign-ups, but letters are visible as soon as you want them to be.
Letters are an optional extra in Yuletide. If you only post a letter here, you haven't signed up. To get an assignment and a gift, you need to sign up
at the collection - open through November 3-4.
What makes a good letter?
Mileage varies. We encourage you, at minimum, to include your AO3 name, the fandoms and characters you're requesting, and your Do-Not-Wants. Read through other letters and follow the styles that work for you. Additional tips:
here &
How to post your letter
- Finish your letter and make sure it's publicly visible
- Enter it in the app! You can edit your letter after submitting it - save the key, or ask the mods for the key if you lose it.
- Comment below! Include:
- Your AO3 name
- A link to your letter
- The fandoms you are requesting (3-6)
- The characters you are requesting in your fandoms (1-4, or Any)
If you post to the app first, it will spit out a handy chunk of text with all these details for you to use when commenting.
If for whatever reason you can only comment on a post, then please include the following line in your comment:
Mods, please add my letter to the app.
We will sweep the post occasionally and add letters.
Warning: Locked or placeholder letters may be removed.
Interactive Fiction in YT19Two for One (Crossover) ChallengeYulepornWrapping PaperCrueltideMake the Yuletide GayCanon Relationships with Trans, NonBinary, Genderqueer, Etc CharactersYulebuildingFemslash FestivusMisses Clause Challenge This post is also on DW The opening (and closing) of sign-ups will be announced
at the admin comm.
Enjoy! And thank you to karanguni for the app!