Nominations Planning Post

Sep 11, 2012 09:18

Hail o splendid Yuletiders,

I am taking the liberty of setting up a post where we can list the fandoms we definitely want to nominate, and negotiate among ourselves for slots and characters.

I am not changing anything from pitselly's system last year, since it seemed to work very well. To copy directly, with gratitude and credit:

Since, this year, there won't be a list of nominated fandoms, and it'll be harder to redo your choices, it's even more important to get everything right on the first go. I don't want to nominate a fandom that'll already be nominated by someone else, for example, and waste a potential space, or fill in characters someone's already filled in. However, I still want to be sure all my fandoms and characters get nominated.

Basically, my modest proposal is this: Everybody list what you plan on nominating. Then list your 'free spaces'. That way, people can f3 this page and network, getting all the characters they need in and everything ready to go when nominations roll into town.

Here, I'll give you an example. Sally wants to nominate Ubernatural, Joy, Housetrapped and Your Big Horse. But she only has three slots! Luckily, Peggy Sue sees this! She was going to nominate Ubernatural, but, seeing that Sally was going to, now has an extra slot where she can nominate Your Big Horse for Sally. Meanwhile, Peggy Sue asks if Sally could nominate some extra characters in Ubernatural fandom, since Sally was only nominating Sean and Dam, while Peggy Sue wants stories about their ghost-hunting mother.

This post is for when you've narrowed down your choices and you're fairly confident about what you want. If you're not really sure what you want to nominate, and want to see other people's ideas, head over to the Yuletide 2012 nominations brainstorming post for discussion. There's still plenty of time: nominations don't open this year until September 24th, and they don't close until October 3rd.

The spreadsheet is here. It is, again, shamelessly copied. I will be updating it in fits and starts and helpers are welcome (see spreadsheet). Again, we have plenty of time.

If you're not sure about what fandoms are eligible for nomination, or how many, and so on, here is last year's quick guide to nominations.

Thank you so much, everyone who set this up last year and demonstrated how effective it was.

ETA - Here also is a link to fandoms that were tentatively ruled ineligible last year - you may want to check this in case anything you want appears here and was discussed. And here's this year's eligibility post.

ETA 2 - Now that nominations have opened (!!), another spreadsheet has been set up for people to record definite nominations that have been rejected or accepted. The Nomination Confirmation post is here.

nominations, yuletide 2012

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