Fandom Brainstorming for Yuletide 2012!

Sep 07, 2012 12:58

Here's a post where all you Yuletide participants can brainstorm and work out which three fandoms you want to nominate when Nominations open (later this month), as well as promote those tiny fandoms of your heart that you'd like to see other people request and offer to write.

Please feel free to comment at will, talk amongst yourselves, and/or link to posts elsewhere about your own wibbling and internal negotiations and processes of elimination! If you aren't planning to sign up for Yuletide this year, you're still welcome to comment on this post to help generate excitement and ideas.

To help give you ideas, here is the tag set for Yuletide 2011.

ETA to fix the link.

All official administrative posts will be posted in the yuletide_admin LJ. Please make sure you are watching or have the Admin LJ friended to keep up with Yuletide 2012!

Comments made to this post will not be emailed to me, so please use yuletide_admin or email

brainstorming, yuletide 2012

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