Notamod, but I think this is kosher:
It's that time of year again for the...
The Prayer of the Fanfic Writer
(Originally posted
I thank you Lord for Showtime
And underground rock bands
For those that make our foreign films
I pray you bless their hands
I thank you, Lord, for anime
And manga from Japan
For cancelled shows with episodes
I now watch On Demand
Though I enjoy these very much
I must ask you one thing:
Does anyone else in the world
Like them other than me?
Harry Potter, Supernatural
Dr. Who and Glee
Smallville, Buffy, CSI
These things are lost on me
Why can’t I ship PB&J,
Or vampires from Twilight?
They’re even shipping Sam and Dean
And, Lord, that can’t be right
My fandom’s boards are silent
They don’t make new icons
My prompts all go unanswered
At my favorite ficathons
I wait too long for fic reviews
No feedback do I hear
My fandom’s up for Yuletide
I ask dear Lord if you see fit
To make my OTP a hit
I’ll serve you, Lord, in all my days
In words, reviews and fannish ways