Art for Marmalade409!

Dec 06, 2009 22:33

Title: Solving Charlie's Problems
Gift for: Marmalade409
Artist: guinsky
Rating: PG-13 for cartoonish dismemberment.
Fandom: Lost/My Chemical Romance
Warnings: Only if you're squicked by cartoonish dismemberment.
Artist's Notes: This was a really open assignment, but I rightaway liked the idea of crossing Lost and MCR (who knows). I hope that's cool! XD The tiny Lost cast aren't wearing quite the right outfits; my DVDs are 900 miles away from me and I had to work entirely from Google and Photobucket. SORRY FOR THAT. All in watercolor and Sakura Microns.
Summary: As long as he doesn't try to help with the writing of the songs.

lost, bandom, gen

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