Art for Marmalade409!

Dec 06, 2009 22:33

Title: Solving Charlie's Problems
Gift for: Marmalade409
Artist: guinsky
Rating: PG-13 for cartoonish dismemberment.
Fandom: Lost/My Chemical Romance
Warnings: Only if you're squicked by cartoonish dismemberment.
Artist's Notes: This was a really open assignment, but I rightaway liked the idea of crossing Lost and MCR (who knows). I hope that's cool! XD The tiny ( Read more... )

lost, bandom, gen

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Comments 61

linear_flower December 7 2009, 06:35:17 UTC
*chuckles* This is so cute!


nextian December 7 2009, 06:35:42 UTC
Not in either fandom ... but this is so well done. And I totally LOL'ed at the super metal polar bear. And Charlie's little eyebrows!


karabou December 7 2009, 06:40:07 UTC
Oh my god, I LOVE THIS, it's so adorable! I love the style and the colors and the way you make this crossover work. Awesome!


(The comment has been removed)

guinsky January 7 2010, 01:14:19 UTC
:DDDD <3 <3 Thank yooooou! I worried about the colors because watercolors + scanner = Terrible Wrong Things Happening. XD


chrismm December 7 2009, 06:51:22 UTC
This is a delight--so much detail and color, and hilarious. I love Charlie's checkered shoes and Frank's tattoos and Bob's hoodie and just. So much fun. :D


guinsky January 7 2010, 01:14:58 UTC
Yay! Costuming is one of my favorite parts of fanart. :D


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