[FANFIC] All Because of Bieber...

Jun 30, 2011 19:12

[FANFIC] All Because of Bieber...

Pairing: Yamachii (main), OhnoChii (friendship), Yamajima (friendship)

Warning: NC-17

Recently, Chii changed his hairstyle, sort of like Justin Biebers. But it's obvious that Chii look WAY cuter than Justin. Why did he changed his hairstyle? Because his big boy LOVES JB. Well, it all started with Chii overhearing a conversation of Yamajima...

"OMGGGGG!!! Justin-Kun is on SMAP SMAP SMAP!!! I love him!!!! I'm so jealous right now... I reali wanted to meet Justin!!!" Ryosuke was basically screaming, squealing over the TV screen where Justin is singing 'Never Say Never' on SMAP's show.

"Gosh! Do you know what I see in front of me? A totally crazy fanboying scene here. I don't get why you like him so much? My eyes hurt..." Yuto protested as he sighed while watching his best friend fanboying. Suddenly, at te corner of his eyes, he saw a clothe corner flash past. "Chii?" Yuto mumbled as he checked the door, seeing Chii run out of JUMP house. "Wha--????" He scratched his head and went back watching TV...

Later that night, Yabu was asking where Chii was and when Yuto was about to answer, the door opened up and there came Chii... With his new Bieber hair style. Which everyone except Yama chan, went doki doki because he looked really really cute.

"Mou Chii! Where were you?! Everyone is waiting you for dinner!!" Yabu questioned as he sat next to Inoo.

"Gomen gomen~~ " Chii apologized as he sat beside Yama chan.

"Ne Chii... Something is different of you... I wonder what is it???" Yama chan chewed on his chopsticks as he scanned up and down of Chii. Chii stopped eating and puts his chopsticks down... Clearly, everyone can tell that he's pissed off... Except Yama chan.

"NOTHING IS DIFFERENT!!" Chii shouted as he ran up to their room. Leaving shocked and confused Yama chan on the table...

'Oh Yama chan wa BAKA' everyone thought as they continued their dinner.

"What did I say wrong??" Yama chan continued eating as he starts to anylyise what he did wrong...

For the next few days, Chii always ignored Yama Chan when he tried to start a chat with Chii. But Chii's still thinking of how his new hairstyle could catch his big boys attention... While the other one is still figuring out what is different of Chii and how to get Chii talk to him again.

Today, was a very special day to Chii, because the little squirrels fav sempai is visiting him!! He was prepairing everything while the others are out dating. And soon, Ohno came and Chii offered to make coffee for him.

'I wonder why Yama chan still couldn't figure out what is different from me?' Chii had his hand on the button for the hot water machine and continued thinking.

"Chinen!!" Ohno screamed as he checked on the little boy. Suddenly a sharp pain invaided chii's hand. The cup is over filled by hot water and went on Chiis hand.

"Ittai!!!!" Chii dropped the cup on the floor as Ohno cooled his hand under cold water. "Gomen Sempai... Ah!!! Sempai!!" Chinen screamed as Ohno wiped his hand with the towel.

"Its okay, where is the first aid box?" Ohno asked as he picked up the broken cup. Throwing them away and moping the floor.

"Its in my room... Gomen ne..." Chii apologised as they went up to his and Yama chans room.

"Chii~ You here? Where are you?" Yama chan called as he came in the room. But then he heard strange noises comming from his room. He went silently up the stairs and stood outside of his room. He heard screams and moans of Chinen and remembers that Ohno is here today. He wanted to go in and find what is going on but he didn't, he continued listening.

Inside the room is Chinen screaming with Ohno struggling to help him put the medicine on his hand. "Ittai!!!!" Chinen was in so much pain that he accidentally knocked the purified water on the bed. Ohno didn't mind and finished wraping his hand.

"There, be careful next time okay?" Ohno patted the younger head as he stood up packing away the things.

Yamada heard the noises comming closer, he went hiding in the toilet and the two went down to the living room, Ohno is time to leave now because he has a show to do.

This moment, Yama chan slipped out of the toilet and went into his bedroom. He was shocked see the bed all messed up with liquid all over. 'He had... sex with Ohno?!' Yamada stormed down to the living room and grabbed Chinens shoulders.

"Yama Chan--" Chinen was shocked to see him and before he can continue, Yamada's hand went straight to Chinens cheeks.

Chinen fell to the floor as other JUMPs came into the living room. "Yama chan--" Chinens tears start to come down but Yamada cuts him off again.

"I HATE YOU! YOU ARE THE WORST!!!!" Yamada screamed as he stormed to Yutos room, slamming the door.

"Yama chan..." Chinen curled up into a ball shape as he cried and didn't even know what he did...

Basically, things got worst until the JUMP dance practice on the stage for their concert... Chinen was walking across stage while staring at Yamada, who is busy talking to Daiki, laughing and joking. This hurts Chinen... He never really talked to him anymore, instead, he's avoiding him. He feels that they are far apart when they are really close...

"CHII!!!!!!!" Daiki screamed as Chii fell from the stage crashing on the floor. He twisted his leg when he landed and everyone including staff rushed to him.

"Chinen Kun, you should rest for a while before going onto stage again. I suggest you take a rest first in the dressing room first ne..." The staff doctor guy suggested as he wrapped Chinen's foot with bandages again.

"Demo I can still dance! It's not that serious!" Chinen prostesed and he tried to stand up.

"No Chii. I won't let you. Your health is the first." Yabu took Chinen an put him to the dressing room. "Yama chan, take care of him ne..."

Yamada nodded and closed the door. Looking at Chii crying on the sofa... "Hey, stop crying. It's no big deal... You only hurt your leg..." Yamada sat beside Chii and looked at him.

Chii stopped crying and screamed. "NO BIG DEAL?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY I FELL FROM THE STAGE AND HURT MY HAND?! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! WHY WONT YOU GET IT?!?! I ONLY WANTED YOU TO NOTICE MY NEW HAIRSTYLE!!!" Tears are rolling down his face as he hits Yamada on his chest.

"Chii... I'm sorry... I didn't know all things are because of me..." Yamada finally understood and pulled Chii into a tight hug. He layed kisses all over his little squirrels neck and felt that Chii stopes crying and relaxes.

Yamada pulls away from Chii and kisses him fully on the lips. Of course Chii misses Yama chans kisses + hugs. He totally gives up and enjoys the pleasure that Yamada is giving him.

"Ah... Yama chan... Stop... Ah..." Chii tries to pull away but Yamadas arms are too strong to him.

"Sh... Just enjoy." Yamada pushes his tounge into Chiis mouth and made contact with Chiis tounge, exploring everywhere; tasting their mixed saliva.
Yama chan moved his head down and kisses the squirrels sensitive neck, while his hand pinched, rub, twist Chinens left nipple. Making the younger boy grab his hair and soft moans escape the younger boys lips.

"Like it Chii? Do you want more?" Yamada asked with a smirk while he rubbed Chiis manhood. Taking all of his clothes off.

"Y-Yama chan! We are at the dressing room! Mou yada!" Chinen protested as Yamada was about to kiss him again.

"No problem Chii, we can lock the door~" Yama chan locked the door and kissed Chiis cheeks. And his hand starts to stroke Chiis already harden member. Seeing Chinen had his eyes closed and trying not to make too much noise, Yamada knew he wanted it really badly.

He pressed the tip very lightly and started to lick on it. "Yama chan! Stop teasing me! Just.. Ah... just fuck me!!" Chinen grabbed Yamadas hair as he bit on his cock a little. Feeling sorry for Chii, Yama chan make his move and took the whole of Chinen inside his mouth. Teasing and licking with his tounge, soon, he felt sweet warm liquid filling in his mouth. He smiled and drank all at once, letting go of the cock with a loud pop. "Yama chan... I want more..." Chinen moaned as Ryosuke licked his tounge, making the younger taste his own seeds. Then looked at him in a very loving way.

"If you want more, let your hand and foot heal first. Then explain to me what happened and I will satisfy my cute little squirrel to his heart content." Yama chan said teasingly as he kissed Chinens nose and helps him put his clothes back on.

"If I didn't have cut this hairstyle, we wouldn't have fight... I hate this hairstyle." Chii protested as he sat on Yama chans laps.

"Haha~ Bieber hairstyle suits your cute face~ you look great in it. Besides, I love this hairstyle because this made me know how much you love me~" Yamada wraps his hand around the waist of the little squirrel and kisses him again.

"Anything for you~" Chinen replied the kiss and made it last long.

All because of Bieber, I measured your love for me.


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