2 names that Chii hates, made by Ryosuke Yamada

Jun 26, 2011 18:22

2 names that Chii hates, made by Ryosuke Yamada

Chinen has LOADS of nicknames. He likes most of them except for 2 that Ryosuke Yamada made for him. Specially for him.

The one that Chinen hates most is the nickname- Shorty. This name came from an incident when they were on a date...

It was a Sunday when the lovers went to buy some food. And Of course, Sunday, In the super market, there are many people. The two are basically squished together, can't even breath properly. And when I say squish together, I really mean it. Their bodies were rubbing on each other while they made their way through to the dog food pile. Both were blushing so hard that if you saw them from a distance, you would have saw a tall red ball and a short red ball.

After they fought their way out through the supermarket.... The younger boy started to complain and protest about Yama chan...

"Mou Yama chan!! I hate you! Your member was rubbing on my stomach!! And I could feel that it was stiff hard! You should learn to control yourself when our bodies... ahem... Gosh it was weird..." the younger boy kept whacking Ryosuke and his pout was cuter than ever.

"Gomen ne Chii~ My member was reacting because of the friction... I'm sorry~~~" Ryosuke kept saying sorry until they reached JUMP home. He looked at the shorter boy and suddenly starts to laugh.

"Nani yo?! You're so weird Yama chan!" Chinen jumps on Ryosukes back making Ryosuke carry him to their room.

"Gomen ne Chii~ I was wondering, if you were as tall as me and we were at that supermarket... I think I would have fucked you by now... Grow taller ne~ shorty" Ryosuke piggy backed Chii to their room and closed the door.

Later that evening, Ryosuke got hours of lecture for thinking wrong and calling Chii a shorty by both Yabu and Inoo, because Chii told on him to papa and mama.

The second nickname that Chii hates the most- virgin. It was another nickname that Ryosuke Yamada made. It all happened when they were in their room watching TV...

It was a normal Tuesday night after dinner while Ryosuke was watching TV and Chii was cleaning his face. Suddenly Ryosuke starts to scream Chii's name and scared the living daylights out of the little squirrel.

"Nani Ryo chan?! What happened?!" Chinen rushed out the toilet with bubbly stuff around his cheeks and nose. Seeing Ryosuke sitting in front of the TV, eyes gleaming on the girl model promoting make up for face stuff.

"Its Takaki Miyu!! She's really pretty!! And look at the make up she's selling! It's so pretty!!! Kyaaa~ I love her more now <3" Ryosuke exclamed as the camera zoomed into her face.

"Specially made to regain virgin-fair skin"

Chinen sighed and wiped the bubbles off his face. It was just fanboying... "Mou... You scared the living daylights out of me... It's just Takaki Miyu... plus, boys don't wear make ups. Only girls do. And besides, my skin is way better than her~" Chiben starts to touch his cheeks and puts cream on them.

"Chii~ are you hinting something when you said your skin is better than her?" Smirked Yamada as he switch off the TV. "She said to regain vergin-fair skin... So are you telling me that you have vergin-fair skin?" Ryosuke smirked as he layed a kiss on Chii's neck.

"What? I do have better skin than her plus, I'm still a vergin after all~" Chii proudly said as he spreads the cream.

"Are you sure about that? Oh, I forgot, you are still tight even if I've already fucked you many times. My dear vergin~~~" Ryosuke smiles as his hands headed for Chinens boxers.

"Who are you calling tight?! I hate you! No sex for an extra week!!!!!" Chii shouted as he slapped Ryosukes hand away and storms to the bed, switching off the lights.

"Mou Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm sorry! You are not tight ne~ ne~" Ryosuke immedletly slips in bed begging for forgiveness.

So in the end, Ryosuke never dared to call him those two nicknames ever again.


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