3 times Yamada Hurts Chinen, 2 times Yamada finally knew...

Jun 26, 2011 10:05

3 times Yamada Hurts Chinen, 2 times Yamada finally knew...

Lately, Ryosuke is more close to Yuto than to Chii- his so called "lover". He would always talk to Yuto and stick around with him the whole day, leaving Chii in a corner. Hurt.

Today was a normal Monday but JUMP has their day off. Since Yabu and Inoo isn't at home and the others are out also (except for Yuto, Ryosuke and Chinen) Chinen decides to make lunch. As he went into the kitchen, a scene of Yuto and Ryosuke French kissing immedletly came to his vision.

"Yuto... You have to stop the habbit of turning me on when ever Chii isn't around... Ah.... " Ryosuke complained as Yuto sucked on he's neck, leaving a purple mark on the fair skin.

"I know... Ryo... but we only have the chance when Chii isn't around. I don't want to hurt him... We have to tell him sooner or later..." Yuto looked into Ryosukes eyes and explained. Chinen hid behind the staircase and listened to their conversation.

Chinen always knew that Ryosuke and Yuto were up to something. But he pretended not to know because he loves the chubby cheeked boy. Streams of tears escaped from Chii's already red puffy eyes, he quickly wiped it away as the two of them came out from the kitchen. Chii just pretend that he was looking for something under the stairs.

"Hi Chii! What are you looking for?" Yuto happily asked as he patted Chii's head.

"I couldn't find my chocolate that née chan gave me yesterday... I wonder where it went... Anyways, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Chii didn't even make contact with Ryosuke's eyes. He was scared of him.

"Oh... Erm... Me and Yama chan are going out for lunch... We are trying out that new steak resturant... Gomen ne~" Yuto patted Chii's head again while giving signs to Ryosuke.

"Iie daijiobu~ I'm going to watch a movie with Yuki chan, Ren chan and Mi chan anyways... Oh, I'm late already!! Talk to you two soon ne!!" Chii exclamed as he glanced at the clock. He rushed upstairs and came down very quickly. Putting on his shoes.

"Have fun ne Chii!" Ryosuke weakly smiles as he waves. With Yuto standing beside him. Chii puts on a fake but bright smile and jumps on his bicycle. Heading to Yuki, Ren and Mi chan's appartment.

The wind blew across his face as a tear escaped...

Later that night, when Chii came back after spending his day off crying in his best friends house. Chinen headed to his and Ryosuke's room when loud noises came from Yuto's room.

'They must be having fun ne... Ryo and Yuto...' Chinen sighed and threw himself on his bed, hugging his pink pillow. Drifting off to sleep.

Soon, around midnight, Chinen woke up and still found himself alone. Then he hears the door open, and closed very lightly. Ryosuke tiptoed to the bed and slipped in. Chinen didn't make a sound and pretended to be fast asleep... He turned and made a small moan like people do when they are fast asleep.

Then he felt Ryosuke stroking his hair, which made him want to cry again. Oh well... Just cry...

"Chii? Why are you crying? Hey! Wake up, Chii??" Ryosuke saw tears come rolling down of Chii's face. He shoke Chii lightly and Chinen opened his eyes...

"Ryo chan...." Chinen sat up as Ryosuke turned the lights on. Sitting up beside Chinen.
"Chii, are you okay? Is it a nightmare?" The chubby cheeked boy held Chinen's icy cold hand as he pulled him into a tight hug.
"You won't leave me Ryo chan... Right? I had a nightmare that you pushed me on the floor and left me... I was so scared..." Chii gave hints to Ryosuke as the older boy felt guilty for cheating on this angel like boy. "You will never hurt me like this right?" Chinen looked up with his watery eyes as he tighten his hug on Yama chan's waist.

"O-of course I won't! I could never hurt you!" After a while, Ryosuke decided not to hurt the younger boy in his embrace and lied.

'Liar...' Chii thought as he curled back into the bed. He looked at the back of Ryosuke and closed his eyes.

All I get is fake love...

On Friday, Chinen came back home late due to a traffic jam because of the rain. He opens the door of his room, expecting no one in as usual. But instead, he was welcomed with both Yuto and Ryosuke naked on his bed. It's obvious that the two are shocked with him suddenly appering.

"Dont mind me, continue on what you are doing ne." Chinen closed the door as he threw his jacked over the chair. Not even bothered to look at the two.

"Chii... You don't get it... This is... Erm..." Ryosuke tried to explain as he puts on his boxer, and Yuto leaving the room.

"I saw it, I get it." a simple answer from Chii as he made his path to the bathroom, which made Ryosuke annoyed. If it was the usual Chii, he would be crying and screaming by now.

"What is wrong with you? Arnt you going to say you hate me or something like that?" Ryosuke slammed the door close of the bath room. Staring at Chii brushing his teeth, who is ignoring him.

"I get it, you like Yuto and now you are having sex with him. So? Non of my business." Chinen wiped his mouth as he replied.

Chii was already too hurt to feel anything anymore. He was use to the pain anyways. His heart is already dead to feel anything.

Ryosuke was shocked with his answer. This wasn't the normal Chii. "W-what?! Non of your business?! D-don't you love me anymore?!"

Hearing this, Chinen smirked and turned around, facing the taller boy. "Don't you love me anymore? Ha...HAHAHAHAHAHA!! why would I still love you when my love is only one sided--" Chinen was stopped talking further because Yama chan landed a slap on Chii's face. Which stung alot.

"Im going to Yuto's room!" Shouted Yama chan as he stormed off. Leaving Chii sitting on the floor, he was laughing like mad as tears flowed down again. Down to the spot where Ryosuke slapped him.

Yabu and inoo rushed into the bathroom, seeing Chinen laughing and crying at the same time. They sat beside him and took his hands. Comforting him. The laughter faded and sobs were replaced. Chinen cried and cried as other came into the room except Ryosuke and Yuto. Finally, Chii fell asleep due to crying too much.

"Chii was a strong boy... He was suffering so much..." Inoo softly said as he puts the cover over Chinen.

"Un... " The others replied as they went out of the room...

Chii finally broke down...

It has been a month since that happened and Ryosuke never came back into their room anymore. He stayed at Yuto's room. And what happened later, Chii didn't even want to know anymore.

One night, he went to a pub so that he could forget about Yama chan and start his new life. He drank until he was very drunk. He literally drank to his heat content. Chinen randomly called a girl waitress, and kissed her madly. Which was fine in the pub.

Meanwhile with Yamada, he was heading to the same pub where Chii is now kissing and flirting. Yamada is heart broken because Yuto dumped him for Keito. Yamada opened the pub door as he see Chinen kissing and flirting by his table with loads of girls beside him.

"Chii?! What is he doing here..." Ryosuke softly mumbles as he went to Chinen's table, ordering the girls to leave. The extreamly drunk Chii, grabbed Yamada's wrist and pulls him closer.

"Who are *hiccup* you? You looke extreamly like my chubby cheeked *hiccup* boy who left me... " Ryosuke was shocked to hear that... Since Chii is drunk right now, Ryosuke plans on something...

"Im Ryuu... What are you doing here? What did Yamada-San do?" Ryosuke slightly lowered his voice a bit. Wanting to know how Chii felt during his cheating with Yuto.

"Ryutaro... Yama chan basically cheated on me with Yuti~~~ and he left me a month ago... " the younger boy starts to cry and hits his fist against Ryosuke's chest. "It hurts... I love him but he loves Yutiii... He thought I didn't know anything but in fact, I knew everything. Every night *hiccup* he would tiptoe coming back to our room and pretend that he was there all along. I shed thousands of tears for him but what is the use? I bet he's having a fun time with Yutii now... I'm nothing to him... Just a sex toy I suppose. I still love him even until now... Even if he hurts me that badly... I'm so useless..." Chii told everything to "Ryuu" and Ryosuke was comforting him. It hurts more... To see the little squirrel cry. He finally knew that he love Chii more than anything else.

"wakatta... I'm sure he'll change and go back to you. Do you want to go home now?" asked Ryosuke as he paid and carried Chii in a piggy back style.

"Un... Bring me home Ryuu... zzzz" Chinen fell asleep on Ryosuke's back as they went home. Ryosuke smiled as he heard Chii mumbling his name.

Ryosuke layed Chii on the bed and changed his clothes. He looked around his room and found that nothing really change for the past month. He was about to go to the toilet when he suddenly felt Chii hold on his wrist.

"Ryuu... Please don't leave me like Yama chan... I'm afriad to be alone... I hate to be alone with out Yama chan..." Chii begged as he cried again. Ryosuke nodded and slipped into the bed, hugging Chii.

Chinen hugged back and kisses him fully on the lips. "Ryo... I want to try it with you... Can you?" Hearing a special request from Chii, Ryosuke smiles and leans down, catching his pink soft lips while his hand wondered off to the south of Chii's hot body... hearing sweet moans from the drunk boy...

Next morning....

Chinen woke up in his room and found that he was naked.. His head hurts alot and when he was about to sit up, a sharp pain invaded his lower body. So he just lied on the bed.

'What happened last night? Why are my clothes scattered on the floor?... Ryutaro...???' Chii tried hard to remember what had happened when suddenly Ryosuke came out from the bathroom.

"Ohayoo Chii~" Ryosuke smiled at Chinen as he picked him his and Chii's clothes from the floor.

"What are you doing here?! Don't tell me that... Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Chii screams and covers his body with the blanket. "You bastard! You raped me!!!"

"Not exactly... You were drunk last night and YOU were the one who turned me on. And YOU were the one who requested to have sex." Ryosuke took away the blanket revieling Chii's naked body. Chii curled up at a corner and remembers everything.

"You... I... I... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chii kept screaming and was stopped by Ryosuke kissing him on the lips.

"Shhh. It's only 6 in the morning. I know you still love me and you still miss me. That's because, I missed you too." Ryosuke smirked as he saw Chinens blushing face.

"I hate you!!! I never missed you!!" Chii pushed Ryosuke away an tried to stand up. But the pain invaided again so he just fell on the floor.

"Easy easy! You were so tight last night so I kinda pushed it to your limit... Careful." Ryosuke carried Chii in a bridal way as he explains.

"I hate you..." Chii uttered as Ryosuke helped him change his clothes.

"I love you too~" Ryosuke kissed Chii's cheeks and slapped his butt lightly. Making Chii groan in pain again. "Gomen ne~ demo... Can you take me back?" Ryosuke asks Chii with his puppy eyes attack.

"I could never say no to you ;)" Chii jumped and hugged Ryosuke. Making Ryosuke happy again. "Demo. I'm punishing you because the pain you put me through. No sex for a month and you have to carry me for the whole day since my butt hurts like hell!" Chii lightly whacks Ryosukes head as they went out of their room.

"No sex for a month?! Mou yadaaa!!!" Protested the Older boy.

Finally... You love me back...


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