Title: The Sweetest Joy Artist: yujira Pairing: ReitaxRuki Genre: Romance Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Hnn Ruki with pants down? Not that you actually see something... *cough* Disclaimer: Don't own them. *sniff* Comments: R♥R
I actually love to read other stories that has a dominating Ruki but mine will always be submissive x'D Thank you, why yes, Ruha is not the only one with nice thighs ;D
Yeah I know hoe you feel cause if my mom and dad finds that I'm writing or reading or drawing yaoi they'll kill me . It was even too much when they found and saw the condom that Ruki made, they were like WTF when the saw the pic with ruki in blood, shocked when they saw Ruki perv and other Perv J rockers LOL it'll be too much if they found out about the others ^^ LOL a boy in my class fell in love with Aoi and Uruha and had fantasy with them / had erotic dreams with them till I told him the Aoi and Uruha are actually Boys ^^ lol he saw them dressed like geisha's and LOved them, now he's not ^^
I mean she already doesn't like the way they look like 'so you want a boyfriend who looks more of a girl than you? And on your wedding, HE'S gonna wear a dress too?' She's so stupid. *sighs* OMG they saw the condom!? XD and the pervy stuff? My mom doesn't even know about that... and I will NEVER show her >___>'' OMG! That poor boy! lol. Having erotic dreams with two other MEN and he wasn't even aware of it... ah scarred for the rest of his life. OR he's going to turn gay, haaha xDD
Comments 32
and I just saw those Tokyo Dome pics...
Cooolll~ *q*
They are, ne?
Ican'twaittowatchtheDVDgoddamnit! x__x
Ruki looks so submissive, and I like how you shape his thighs.
Thank you, why yes, Ruha is not the only one with nice thighs ;D
OMG! That poor boy! lol. Having erotic dreams with two other MEN and he wasn't even aware of it... ah scarred for the rest of his life. OR he's going to turn gay, haaha xDD
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