Title: The Sweetest Joy Artist: yujira Pairing: ReitaxRuki Genre: Romance Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Hnn Ruki with pants down? Not that you actually see something... *cough* Disclaimer: Don't own them. *sniff* Comments: R♥R
Thank you so much! <3 Awww... *jealous that you watched it already* I really can't wait anymore! I think about it day&night x__x *cough*Ihopetheyshowedthekisses*cough*
I spoilt myself T_T (and freakin loved it lol) but it was just toooo tempting guh >_< gonna rant about it once I get the DVD and watch the whole thing xDD
Aww yeah... they always look like teens/girls but it's just my style, I can't draw them manly and adult-like ^^;; But thanks so much, I'm really happy you like it!<3
Yesh! He just pulls them off so well! x__x
You're welcome hun. Oh god yes, I already feel sorry for my family cause once the DVD arrives here they'll have to deal with major and loud fangirling xDD
Comments 32
-sigh- i need to order the english subbed version too. >.< I got the Japanese version though! LOL. it was EPIC
Awww... *jealous that you watched it already*
I really can't wait anymore! I think about it day&night x__x
I don't want to spoil it for you though!
but it was just toooo tempting guh >_< gonna rant about it once I get the DVD and watch the whole thing xDD
Thank youuu! x3
and yay, I also ordered the european version a few days ago!*high-five!* :P
And yay for subtitles! xD *hi5's back*
And ruki-pink-pantsu ftw!
and yep~ thanks for the link..I hadn't seen it yet and am dying to get my hands on my DVD o(^__^)o
Yesh! He just pulls them off so well! x__x
You're welcome hun. Oh god yes, I already feel sorry for my family cause once the DVD arrives here they'll have to deal with major and loud fangirling xDD
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