[GnD] Guys and Dolls | Application

Feb 13, 2020 00:00

[journal] rabbit_kusabi 
[age] 22 (6/5/1988)
[previous characters] None.

[series] Metal Gear Solid
[full name] Liquid Snake (Real name is never mentioned but fandom tends to place it as being James.)
[age] 33
[gender] Male
[canon point] Just after falling from the top of the destroyed REX.
[reference] Here.
[personality] In essence, Liquid is the id to Solid's superego. No matter how calm he may act, there is always a high level of anger and hatred within him, just beneath the surface. Liquid's past has instilled in him a lot of twisted views of the world, many of which are expressed in bitter rants and spur of the moment explosions of rage. Of all of the Snakes, Liquid is the one that talks the most. Sarcasm and anger laces his words regularly and despite the occasional formality of his words it can never be forgotten that he is a rather unstable  person. While he is extremely intelligent, he tends to rely more on instinct and spur of the moment decisions. When he does strategize, however, he can be deadly. The Shadow Moses incident was the result of one of those strategies. He displayed sharp cunning and a heavy lack of morals, sacrificing anyone necessary to accomplish his goal. Once he had set his eye on it, he was focused on it wholely and refused to back out even when his body was heavily damaged.

Liquid is shown often to be the closest of the twins to Big Boss - despite Solid looking and sounding more like him. More accurately, he is closer to the older Big Boss of the early games in that he has grown tired of the Patriots and their kind using soldiers such as him. Rather than remaining a tool to the corrupt, he became obsessed with the idea of Outer Heaven, his father's dream. It was made clear that he did not care who was sacrificed to make this, although he did redirect the first nuclear launch to a test site, rather than demonstrate on a town or city. Liquid is also, as was Big Boss, the more "leader-like" of the twins. While he often is portrayed - and rightly, as I will elaborate - as a lone wolf, he was still able to draw the members of FOXHOUND and the Genome Army to help in this goal. I say it is right to call him a lone wolf as despite his leader status, Liquid appears to be emotionally distant from everyone he meets. Even when his own allies are killed, he barely responds. Despite that, it appears he does have a softer side, as one of the things he was demanding as a terrorist was the cure to the fatal gene therapy of his soldiers.

Supplementary materials indicate that he was in active combat by the age of thirteen, and as he grew up without a mother and with the belief that his father hated him in favour of his brother, it is fair to assume he grew up mostly isolated of affection. This may explain his lack of attachment to others. This may also explain his callous disregard for human life. It is also thus logical to assume that Liquid was homeschooled, rather than going to a school, and was perhaps never even registered as having been born in order to prevent questions on that front.

When it comes down to it, Liquid is also the most aggressive of the Snakes. While he follows in his father's footsteps worryingly closely, it is all with one goal in mind. To surpass his brother and prove - to himself, more than anything - that he is not inferior, as he was led to believe, because of his genes. It becomes quite clear also that Liquid has focused all of his anger on his past onto his family; the father that hated him and the brother that was always just too perfect in everyone's eyes. Right up until the end of the game, he seems unafraid. He takes a helicopter out in an Alaskan blizzard to shoot down two enemy planes, faces an  explosion, looks down the barrel of a gun and through none of it all is there anything but sarcasm and scorn. As a result, he is more of a risk taker

Of all of the Snakes, Liquid is the most energetic and loud. At least in one version of the game, he is shown to be prone to randomly flipping, somersaulting and even just walking on railings. His hands are almost never idle. He is very, very expressive and physical. There are moments when he does appear sad about their past, although these are swiftly dismissed and it is almost never expressed in his words or voice. He displays a highly cocky nature, although this may be more of an overcompensating cover for how much he fears he is inferior.

His development in the second game is minimal, but defines a point that was not often mentioned in the first game - that Liquid is determined to destroy the Patriots. Despite his hatred of his brother, the ghostly Liquid does not pursue him; although he attacks him at least twice, both times Snake had come to him. He is more concerned with the larger matter, most likely an example of how fixated he becomes on a target.

One part of his past that is rarely explained in any materials is his incarceration in Iraq. Liquid remained there for four years, either as a POW or as a brainwashed terrorist, depending on the material. While neither has officially been stated as the non-canon version, there are more materials referencing the POW aspect than there are of the brainwashing. At one point in the game, "Miller" confirms that Liquid became a POW.
[orientation] Liquid shows no romantic or sexual interest in anyone throughout the games, leaving his orientation entirely unknown.
[appearance] N/A.
[wish] To prove his superiority by surpassing his Father and Brother and establishing Outer Heaven over the entire world. It is the only thing he truly desires.
[requested house] It doesn't particularly bother me. Reading through them does draw me to Nannai. Chuuhi also appears relevant.
[misc notes] Liquid has a few things of note to keep track of. Firstly, as a clone, he is completely incapable of producing children. On a similar note, his body has accelerated aging built into it. From his brother it becomes obvious that it did not begin aging quickly until he was at least at the age of 37; in 2009 he looked normal for his age but by 2014 he looked double his 42 years.

[network post]
[The video shows a blond man. His legs are crossed perfectly beneath him, his back entirely straight. His posture is utterly impeccable. There is a look of annoyance on his face.]

I am going to ask you a question. It should be relatively simple to answer, but considering the situation, I doubt it will get a decent response. Who's behind this?

[Liquid speaks as much with his hands as he does with his lips. He gestures widely, energetically. There's a type of drama in his movements. His voice rises sharply.]

Mantis, if this is your work and you're not really dead, do make yourself known, will you? I am going to make you regret it if it is your doing. Now somebody answer me. Explain yourselves, now! If this is a ploy to keep me from pursuing Snake-!

[The feed cuts off.]

[prose log]

Liquid could be a patient man when he wanted to. He had endured the dream - was it a dream? - and the awakening into this world with irritation but tolerance. It was not something he was happy about, but he could endure it. He had been in the mindset that it was not real; that falling from REX had caused him to hit his head. He knew he could survive the fall.There was no chance he was dead. There was also only a very slim chance that this was real.

Of all things, to dream something like that. He absently brought his hand up to rub at his lips, as if expecting to find a trace of whatever it was that knocked him out. There was nothing. Not even a trace of any type of drug. He hadn't expected there to be. If nothing else, at least the annoying ache from his wounds had died down. The burn from that odd mark had eased too. Whatever those herbs were, they worked. Liquid was used to pain, but that didn't mean he was happy with it.

It had taken him a while to accept that it was real - that this place was no hallucination. Did that mean the dream from before was real also? Liquid wasn't sure he was comfortable with that. His hands were curled into fists at his side.

Climbing with the yukata on had not been easy, but regardless, he had made it to the roofs. Liquid looked out at the strange land and scowled. Maybe Snake was here. Maybe not. He was still going to look. Just because he had inadvertently sold his soul, that didn't mean he had to stop working towards that goal on his own.

Was this all some sort of test? His eyes searched the horizon sharply. There had to be some sign.What was he meant to do in this place? Just follow their orders like a good little puppet? Well fine. He could play along if he had to. Wait for a chance.

Liquid Snake was nobody's tool.

guys and dolls, application

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