NaNoWriMo: Link your landing page!

Nov 01, 2018 01:07

It's the first day of NaNoWriMo. Here is an opportunity to point interested readers toward whatever you're doing, whether that's posting the whole thing, excerpts, discussions, or just tearing your hair out and begging for moral support. What are friends for, eh? Below is a template which you can use, or just post whatever you want. If you already said this stuff earlier, you can copy it in a comment here. Feel free to use the template elsewhere or link to these posts. You don't have to fill out the whole thing, especially if any of it is stressful or irrelevant. This is a high-inspiration, low-stress support thread.

Your username or pen name:

Link to your project's landing page:
(Use Dreamwidth or another site readers can access.)

Link to your NaNoWriMo page:
(Note: only people logged into the site can see this.)

Title of novel:


Brief summary:

Your goal:

Your wordcount today:

Your wordcount total so far:

Do you want constructive criticism?

Other NaNoWriMo authors / projects you're following:

Anything else you want to share:

Several folks are doing alternative projects this month. Yay, projects! Feel free to talk about yours too. This thread is open to any month-long writing project or similar goal. Use any part of the above template that seems useful to you, or make your own.

You can mix bingo and NaNoWriMo.

You can mix crowdfunding and NaNoWrimo.

Previous posts:
Are you doing NaNoWriMo?
How to Build a Novel from Themes and Symbols
Will you post your book online?

fiction, reading, event, holiday, writing, networking

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