Emotional Intimacy Question: Relationship Issues

Nov 01, 2018 00:41

Folks have mentioned an interest in questions and conversations that make them think. So I've decided to offer more of those. This is the current list.

3. Tell me about a relationship issue you’re having, and ask me for advice on how to fix it.

For the purposes of this discussion, any kind of interpersonal issue counts; it doesn't have to be romantic or involve anyone here.

Mine is weird.  I'm forgetting to bail out of things when I should.  That is not normally a problem I have, and I haven't figured out how to fix it.  They have mostly been social situations where everything was going fine before hitting one thing I shouldn't do, rather than the more usual case of me not wanting to go at all.  I know how  to tell people I don't want to do a certain activity.  I'm just forgetting to say so until I'm already stuck in it.  :/

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