Story: "Squiggles" 1510.02.08

Jan 15, 2014 09:00

"Squiggles: Excerpts from Nleimen's Journal"


Hole mice to the rescue! The botanists loved my watercolor of a hole mouse nibbling on a pinkleaf blossom, even though the details weren't good enough to win the class competition. They want the picture to hand out as a prize to the person who identifies the most flowers in their workshop. So they gave me a 10 Desire token. I'm going to buy myself a better brand of color pencils, now that I know I really like that medium. I'd upgrade my watercolors, but those are too expensive.

See the landing page for "Squiggles: Excerpts from Nleimen's Journal."

squiggles, torn world, fantasy, fiction, reading, writing, cyberfunded creativity, science fiction, weblit

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