
Dec 08, 2005 15:29

Two entries in one day; heh. And I'm not even supposed to be online like this... **hides beneath desk** But, well, just thought y'all'd find this interesting. I had a little chat with my ferrets Coriander and Lavender last night, and this was the result:

A Ferret’s List of New Year’s Resolutions(dictated by Cori and Lavender to their person, ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

lurkerdrome December 8 2005, 23:40:53 UTC
We will not bite our person’s toes just because we’re bored. We will only do so when there’s nothing else to do

Arerererere? Isn't that the same as boredom?

Warm and fuzzy aminals rule. XD


ysabet December 8 2005, 23:47:54 UTC
It's a weasle kind of thing. Logic does NOT necessarily rule in Weasledom. And they don't bite hard, anyway. o__O;


loqi December 9 2005, 02:19:37 UTC
*laugh* That amused me way too much for my own good.


snorking laughter sirah_fires December 11 2005, 05:55:26 UTC
I tried reading this to Jermel (hubbie) but I couldn't keep a straight face all the way through any of the ones I picked out to read... I'll just have to send him here to read this on his own. Not too long ago saw a guy getting help wih his over(ly) active ferrets on Animal Planet. They finally decided that the ferrets needed to be kept busy and converted some underused shelves into ferret romp towers by sawing out little holes and making ferret ramps up along it (judiciously screwed into place mind you). Then the ferrets' food was hidden in little secret places along the shelves and that was meant to keep them entertained when they weren't getting people loves. I saw it and was thinking of you right away... some hidden food to keep the little buggers busy and happily entertained. This might be something to help the attention seeking during the nights? Another thing was freezing bits of ferret edibles into ice/broth (a bit of linatone would get the desired attention) or freeze a wet food and that would be something to keep the little ( ... )


Re: snorking laughter ysabet December 12 2005, 01:53:57 UTC
**grin** Thanks hugely for the suggestions! Anybody who is owned by ferres does have to keep thinking up new things to keep the little buggers busy-- otherwise, they find out things themselves. I remember one of mine who managed to find a non-toxic (thank the gods) kelly-green inkpad once-- she was under the couch with it, and apparently it must have smelled good, because she rubbed her face in it. I looked down, and there was this brilliant green little face blinking up at me... Currently Cori and Lavi have several tunnels, boxes, crinkly plastic bags, baskets and so forth to play in and with, as well as an entire room (they only live in a cage one day of the month, when the apartment maintenance guy comes by to change the air-filter). They get treats pretty often (not as much as THEY think they should), but I think I'm going to try the 'frozen treat' thing; should be interesting. Glad you liked the resolutions list-- they're ALL pretty much the kind of things ferrets think, I suspect. It's a good thing they can't talk; if ( ... )


ferrets never shut up sirah_fires December 12 2005, 06:39:34 UTC
I'm very willing to believe that! I have a cat much like that... Squawker is the unsightly term that my little brother coined for my cat. then he ruffs up her fur... so she gets louder!
And none of the cats think that a human should eat anything without offering some out of politeness...
but, the frozen ferret nummies might be something to save for the end of the day... they can spend the night on those. Unless you think it might just make a bigger mess by morning, hee!


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