
Dec 08, 2005 15:29

Two entries in one day; heh. And I'm not even supposed to be online like this... **hides beneath desk** But, well, just thought y'all'd find this interesting. I had a little chat with my ferrets Coriander and Lavender last night, and this was the result:

A Ferret’s List of New Year’s Resolutions
(dictated by Cori and Lavender to their person, Ysabet)

1. We will not bite our person’s toes just because we’re bored. We will only do so when there’s nothing else to do, or when we’re hungry, or when we want a cuddle, or whenever we happen to feel like biting toes.

2. We will attempt this year to stuff ourselves into even weirder and more inaccessible sleeping-places in our room (since our person has now discovered all of the current batch).

3. We will not climb laboriously up onto the computer desk, grab the Linatone Ferret Treats bottle by its nozzle, knock it down onto the floor, and damn near overdose on the stuff like little ferret winos; instead we will slurp our person’s cup of hot tea, because it’s usually easier to reach. THEN we’ll go for the Linatone.

4. We will not spend hours and hours scratching at the door like mad things to get out into the Rest Of The Apartment, just because we can hear our person tossing and turning in bed. She likes to sleep every now and then, though we can’t figure out why.

5. When our person DOES let us out into the Rest Of The Apartment, we will not become Berserker!Weasles and chase the cats onto the top of the refrigerator, unless it makes our person laugh (it usually does).

6. We will not drag our person’s favorite Discworld paperback off into a corner and turn it into a “secret bathroom”, even if the litterboxes are currently disgusting.

7. If allowed to play in the bathroom, we will NEVER, EVER AGAIN find a way to crawl inside the wall via that hole beneath the sink. This sort of thing gives our person white hairs and heart-attacks and makes her cry.

8. We will not hide in the closet boxes and make an H.P. Lovecraft “Rats In The Walls” noise when our person is deep in the midst of reading scary online ficcage at 2 a.m.

9. We will never again bite that stupid black and white cat on the butt. All it did was piss her off and give us a mouthful of nasty-tasting fur. Sure made her scream, though, and wow did she ever run…

10. We will show our undying and infinite love for our person by climbing up through her bathrobe while she attempts to type on the computer, exiting into her lap, and licking her all over her face while she gives us scratchies. We will do this as often as possible even when she isn’t giving us treats as often as we think we should have them, because we love her very much; she has us, and we have her, and that’s all we need. Well, except for some Linatone now and then. And maybe some raisins.


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