Japan trip OMG OMG OMG, The Sequel

Aug 03, 2011 19:06

 SO!  Stuff I needed to do that I've done:

* Sent off for my passport.
* Paid my final payment for the tour.  Holy shit.
* Gotten maps of Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Tokyo.
* Gotten an international adaptor plug thingie.
* Gotten a very nifty walking-stick (it collapses! Hopefully it'll keep ME from collapsing!)
* Arranged for two very, very wonderful friends ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

lil_1337 August 4 2011, 02:43:02 UTC
It's starting to come together nicely.

Which one of the couscouses did you have? We tried the new rice tonight and it was good. Much more of a nutty wild rice kind of flavor.

I would love to see Wales.


ysabet August 4 2011, 03:09:01 UTC
The chicken seasoned one; VERY tasty!

And we will have to plan this. The nice thing about Wales is that it's *small*-- you can see a hell of a lot in a short time, and it has campgrounds and bed&breakfast places everywhere. Beautiful, beautiful country, very green, with lots of waterfalls; the little I got to see of it I really loved.


chibirisu August 8 2011, 02:42:07 UTC
When you go back to Wales, take an extra suitcase so you can visit Hay on Wye, aka the Land of Used Bookstores. More used bookstores than anywhere else on the planet. It is made of awesome. ^______^


ysabet August 8 2011, 02:46:35 UTC
BEEN THERE! TWICE! FanTAStic place! I camped outside there when I visited years ago-- I bought absolute tons of books!


elinor_dear August 4 2011, 03:46:39 UTC
You're doing splendidly. Don't focus on what you haven't been doing, focus on what you have been doing. Seriously, it helps! You're not punishing your body, remember that. :)

Japan's gonna rock! You're not going to collapse! And you're going to send me a postcard! Got it? Good!


ysabet August 4 2011, 20:50:50 UTC
Absolutely you'll get a postcard (but I'll need your addy first! Remind me next time we meet for coffee. ^__^)


pharoah999 August 4 2011, 07:22:08 UTC
did you get a good deal going? my sister is stationed in japan and wants us to visit. any advice on websites or other places where i may get a good deal on a flight to narita??


ysabet August 4 2011, 20:53:27 UTC
Got an EXCELLENT deal; I went through a company called (a href="http://www.vayama.com/?cmp=KNC-vayama&ref=googleadw&pdt=t4u_company_name_s-vayama&gclid=COOdoajCtqoCFdMn2godICEP8A">Vayama and am flying via Asiana Air. Good company; they beat any rates I found anywhere else, and Asiana's got a good rep. I'd definitely check them out.


deno3001 August 4 2011, 18:31:15 UTC
You don't really need the international adaptor thingie. Japan's outlets are a bit different than our's but nothing like Europe's. You'll be able to get by just fine without it. I know I did. This is, of course, assuming you can (and want to) save money and can return it.


ysabet August 4 2011, 20:54:25 UTC
Ah; oh well, wasn't expensive, and hopefully it'll be handy for future trips. I was told that the outlets vary in Japan-- they have more than one kind, so...


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