Well, shit.

Jan 12, 2011 19:35

 Was in a car accident on the way home-- fairly minor, but I and the other driver disagree on what happened. I saw no-one in the lane I pulled out in (which was just before a turn lane); what I *did* see was a large silver SUV that was suddenly next to me in the middle lane, whipping towards in front of me. I clipped him on his rear left tire, he ( Read more... )

pissed, stress, badthings

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Comments 8

lil_1337 January 13 2011, 02:51:58 UTC
*hugs* I'm so glad you are okay. Let the insurance companies fight it out and I would definitely call the cops if he continues to bother you. That and stop taking his calls, deal with insurance company and let them deal with him.


cailamaia January 13 2011, 03:00:06 UTC
Ugh. That guy sounds like a grade A asshat. Just... wow.

*hugs* I agree with Lil. Let the insurance and/or cops deal with him. You shouldn't have to.


dqbunny January 13 2011, 03:15:33 UTC
From the way you described the hit, it sounds like his fault. This sounds a lot like the accident I was in when I was 18, with the exact same hits - me with the right front corner sheared off the car and him with the left-side damage. It was ruled his fault because even though I hit him, he cut across traffic and into my lane.

I'd file a police report right away. You don't even have to call the cops. Here's the link to filing minor traffic incidents online. It's pretty simple, I did it for something (I forgot what) back in 2006. Get it on record, including the fact that he's harassing you. Let the insurance company deal with him, but get a police report on record. Especially with as pissy as he was, it is HIS fault, but he's going to fight it. I'm glad you're OK though.


snotblossom January 13 2011, 04:34:32 UTC
TPD no longer responds unless there is property damage or injury because of budget cuts, so they wouldn't have come out anyway. File the report and let the insurance companies duke it out. If you want to throw the fear of god into him, talk to a personal injury lawyer. Consultation is free and they'll send him a letter saying you have representation, even if you don't pursue. It happened to me when I hit a van full of hippies and even thought nothing ever came of it, my parents flipped out. Tell your claims rep he's been aggressive and threatening and if he calls again, tell him he needs to take it up with your insurance company, say goodbye and don't answer his calls again. It doesn't matter who's fault it was, it's not okay for him to yell at you.


raventhourne January 13 2011, 14:53:02 UTC
yeah what she said.


laydeneko January 13 2011, 04:44:53 UTC
I'm glad you're ok. I agree with what has already been said, with one side note: keep a record of his calls-if you have a cell phone or some sort caller id that you can use if the harassment continues to prove how many/what times he's called-just in case. It never hurts to have too much info, especially when he's being jerky about the whole ordeal.


poe_nui January 13 2011, 07:17:26 UTC
Glad you are ok, if shaken. And Ditto the others' recommendations about filing the reports and not letting the guy harass you. *offers up options of spiced tea and eucalyptus honey or peppermint hot cocoa with marshmallows*


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