Well, shit.

Jan 12, 2011 19:35

 Was in a car accident on the way home-- fairly minor, but I and the other driver disagree on what happened. I saw no-one in the lane I pulled out in (which was just before a turn lane); what I *did* see was a large silver SUV that was suddenly next to me in the middle lane, whipping towards in front of me. I clipped him on his rear left tire, he screeched to directly in front of me, and his tire deflated while he yelled at me.

My car has a damaged, somewhat peeled-back front right-corner fender; it's plastic and the headlight wasn't damaged at all, but I'm sure it'll cost me a chunk to get replaced. I called my insurance company and told them what I'd seen and that I had NOT seen him in my lane (and if he'd been behind me and I'd pulled out in front of him, why didn't he hit me in the rear?) or I wouldn't have pulled out into it; what I saw was a guy trying to skid in front of me to get to the left-hand turn lane.

So what happens?  I get a call about 15 minutes later from the guy, shouting and belligerent and angry because I had disagreed with what he'd said. Guess what, Shouty Guy?  There's this thing in our country called 'freedom' which allows us all to present our opinions, and I presented mine.  So he raved and yelled every time I tried to speak, and we parted on very unfriendly terms.

He didn't-- quite-- threaten me. I informed him through his yelling that we'd both told our insurance companies what we believed happened (and he then informed ME very loudly that he'd been trying to get to the left-hand turn lane, though he still claimed he'd been in the lane behind me and how the hell could I dispute that and so forth and so on) and that it was their business to sort things out.  Realistically, they'll probably find against me; I did hit him, no doubt about that-- but the bloody lanes were FULL of traffic, and I believe I saw him beside me before the bang happened.

AAAARGH.  So I'm shaky and wobbly and if he calls me again I shall call the cops.  That's my right.  He does NOT have the right to harass me; I did what I was legally bound to do, contacted my insurance company.  He, by the way, was rather surprised that I asked for HIS insurance info (he said "What do you want THAT for?" and I told him that it's what you do, you need the other person's info when you call in) and a bit unwilling to give it at first; he also wasn't in favor of calling the cops. In retrospect, I probably should have, but President Obama's at the University right now for the memorial service from the shooting this weekend and I'm certain every cop in Tucson is there too.  **sigh**

So, what now?  I've never disputed a claim before-- I haven't been in many accidents; I've been hit several times and injured once, but I've hit other people twice in more than 30 years of driving (one very minor fender-bender in the rain (cop cited it a mutual-fault because of oil on the road) and a sideswipe avoiding a large van where I smacked another car and scratched the paint.)  This guy's gonna be aggressive, he's pissed and bullying.  I do not take well to bullying, so I'll do my best.  If I was at fault, well, that's why I pay for insurance; if I wasn't, then he'll learn the same thing.

Right now?  I'm eating some hot food and drinking hot tea. I stopped shaking a few minutes ago, but mostly I want to curl up in the tub and forget about this.  I'm glad nobody was hurt.

Hope the rest of y'all had a better day.

pissed, stress, badthings

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