**headdesk, headdesk, headdesk**

Jul 31, 2010 11:31

 Found out this morning that my older brother Bill wrecked his Harley last night.  He's in the hospital in Panama City with a shattered knee, damaged hip, tons of abrasions/lacerations/bruises and a cracked bone above the knee.  They did surgery immediately upon his arrival and saved the leg, but his knee's toast; he'll be in there for the long ( Read more... )

stress, family, badthings

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Comments 10

edwired August 2 2010, 03:30:08 UTC
Sorry to hear. Best wishes to BIll, here's to rapid healing.


lisa_telramor September 5 2010, 16:22:21 UTC
Jeeze. Something similar happened to my uncle about a year ago. One leg trapped between the car and cycle, crushed, then over the car and same leg torn up by the road. He'll walk with a limp for the rest of his life and he can't climb trees like he used to. It will likely be a long healing process. I hope that your brother doesn't get infections like my uncle and that he will one day be able to walk without too many complications. And yes, it is good that he is alive.


kraziekatlord September 20 2010, 00:27:22 UTC
Newbie who came across your journal through joisbishmyoga and her Deal/Grey Deal posts and i saw this. Was this Panama City, FL?

Cause that sounds like Panama City, Florida, but there's also a Panama City, Panama. Which can make news reports about riots in "Panama City" a tad confusing to a youngin'.

Anyways, best of wishes to him, did he need rehab?


ysabet September 20 2010, 00:35:28 UTC
Florida, yup; I'm a second-gen native to the area, though now I live way out in the Wild, Wild West. Are you from the area yourself as well, by any chance? And yeah, he did-- they ended up replacing everything between anklebone and mid-thigh with steel (it'd ended up in more than 50 pieces, so no wonder.) He's doing well, though rehab is no fun.


kraziekatlord September 20 2010, 00:43:49 UTC
Yupyup! Almost a native, except i'm an air force brat. And therefore, fully aware of the stupid, blind, and downright CRAZY old bats who live in this area and think it's always the young hooligans on their noisy bikes, or their speeding cars who are at fault and not their failing eye sight, worsening reflexes, and just shear old age catching up to them.

And I'll spare you my rant on eye tests should be mandatory every X years, preferably 5 or less. Sorry.

My dad's in rehab for a hip replacement surgery, so I know rehab is not fun. But hopefully yours and mine will be home shortly!

BTW, I liked your work on Grey Deal. And I'm looking for more of "Grey Universe" instead of "Deal Universe"... can you hook me up? *totally new to the DC/MK verse, but learning to luff KK*

On a side note, I had this image of Kaito Kid meeting the Goblin King from Labrynth, and nearly died laughing. Stupid Girls Next Door webcomic with their mixing various verses, INCLUDING a ***Sherlock Holmes***


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