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Comments 11

visc_lore August 29 2008, 17:24:41 UTC
You have my sympathy for "people thinking you're the one who can deal with things." I've had girlfriends call me to remove dead bird bodies from their yards, and I'm the designated cockroach killer at work. Everyone says "But you can deal with it!" and my response is "Only because I HAVE to! If there's a dead bird in *my* yard, it's going to be there until I pick it up (or even worse, until one of the cats drags it inside)"

The point of this is - if you don't have my phone number, I know Icka does, and you should feel free to call any time. Sounds like we're in similar boats right now and I sure wouldn't mind having someone else to talk to.


ysabet August 29 2008, 18:00:27 UTC
I don't really mind it, it was just... a little strange. I went in, armed myself with one of the woman's shoes, and proceeded to whap the hell out of a very dead cockroach. When I was growing up I was the one who bandaged the hurt pets and disposed of the snakes, birds and geckos that our cats'd leave on the front porch, so this wasn't anything new-- no big deal.

Yeah, I think so too-- what're you doing this weekend? And nope, I don't have it but I'll see about getting it from Icka. ^__^


visc_lore August 29 2008, 17:26:12 UTC
Oh - and for a mechanic referral, Duchess Malinda has been really happy lately with Eddy’s Auto Repair - 5507 S. Park Ave; 294-7065.


snotblossom August 29 2008, 17:27:25 UTC
My mom and I want to take the DPN sock knitting class too, and just haven't gotten to it. I also sympathize on the gassy cat thing. Varr passed on eggs for breakfast to avoid gassing us all out in the car this afternoon, but I had eggs AND broccoli for breakfast. Go me!


ysabet August 29 2008, 17:53:45 UTC
Better hurry if you're going to sign up-- think there's a class limit. It'd rock to have y'all in it with me!


snotblossom August 29 2008, 18:12:10 UTC
We looked at one at Tucson Yarn Company, which is up by us. I still haven't made it to Grandma's Spinning Wheel, despite the fact that it's right next to the Quilt Basket, which is one of mom's favorite shops.


ysabet August 29 2008, 18:23:37 UTC
It's FANTASTIC. And the woman who runs it is incredibly SCA-friendly and told me that I could stop by anytime (any classmembers could) and she'd help with problems with the socks, it's an open-door thing. Nice lady, likes to chat.


dqbunny August 29 2008, 18:35:43 UTC
Hai, I'll go find my Stich N' Bitch book for you. Best reference I've found regarding learning how to knit and such. ^_^


ysabet August 29 2008, 18:39:05 UTC
Please! **grateful** When could I get it? I vaguely remember what you taught me, but I've got a WEEK. I need to get busy! I was told that so long as I could knit and purl I'd be okay for the class, and I can sort of remember how to do that, but I can't recall how you start something to save my life. @________@


dqbunny August 29 2008, 18:42:59 UTC
Umm... Wow, not until Tuesday really unless you get the key to my place from Icka or Linda and come grab it off the table. I'm about to shower and head to Target, then work. Then afterwards, I've got to do laundry and cook to get ready for Mace & Greatsword, then John wants to be on the road no later than 7:30 tomorrow morning. If you feel like coming over here late though, I'm hoping to be home from work no later than 9 p.m. tonight. or we'll be back Monday evening as well.


ytak August 30 2008, 01:13:02 UTC
Thunderstorms are cool. Me likes thunderstorms.

Your a good person to play counselor for someone else. It sucks though, doesn't it?

As my dad put it, you have to take car of your car. If you don't, the repairs will be more costly than if it had regular maintanence.


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