
Aug 29, 2008 08:11

Had a huge thunderstorm for a bit out on my side of town last night; it showed up, I reluctantly got everything unplugged, it rained and boomed and flashed, and then it drifted awayl; so I took a bath.  And then the damn thing (or its sibling) showed up AGAIN-- more booms and flashes.  So not much online-ness for Ysabet last night.  Never quite had a full power-outage, though the lights flickered three or four times.  Also, just for weirdness' sake, I had a knock on my door around 9 p.m. and there stood one of my neighbors in her bathrobe, looking very pathetic; apparently there was (she thought) a Brown Recluse spider in her bedroom and she couldn't deal with it.  (Icka, it was the lady across the street with the two large dogs... Kathy, I think her name is; her dogs are Patch and Chloe.)  Why was I deemed capable of spider-killing?  Dunno, but I was; this is like when the other neighbor came over to ask the use of my cat in catching the mouse she'd just seen in her living room.  So I went over, only to find that it was instead a dead cockroach; folks, I shit you not, it really was.  And THEN I got roped into Playing Counselor for a while; this lady doesn't have issues, she has a key to the Rare Book Room in the British National Treasures Library in London.  Divorce (ongoing); joblessness (just quit); medical issues (some); areguements with family (eeeyaaagh); lonliness (very).  I did my best to be supportive and suggest some things I thought would help (temp agencies, that sort of thing) but daaaaamn; first off, she need to stop with the drinking!  Jack & Coke, from the look/smell of it, pretty damn strong and in this great big glass.  And you know, she looked like she was in her late fifties, early sixties; but it turned out she's three years younger than me.  Poor woman.  She's going to counseling; she needs it.

-__-  I sat down and worked out finances for the next month, and it looks like this weekend's Mace & Greatsword's a bust for me.  The car hiccupped rather alarmingly on the way home yesterday once, and it's been JUST A WEE BIT OF A WHILE since my last oil-change (um, 5 months?) and I'm worried about the timing belt aaaaand... yeah.  Leaf The Honda's going in for a change and a checkup tomorrow, soon as I find a good place.  Any suggestions? Gonna ask around at work too.  Finance and car things = Not Good.  **sigh**  Probably should'nt've done those trips to Madera Canyon, but it's hard to regret them-- I regret a lot more that I can't go to the even this weekend!  ;_;

So:  In one week, a class I signed up in knitting socks with double-ended needles starts; it'll run every other weekend and the place putting it on (Granny's Spinning Wheel) offers random help when you need it.  In a week's time I have to re-remember basic knitting!  MEEEEEGS!!!  HEEEEEEEELP!!!  Please?  Pretty please with a nekkid Goury in top?  I hear his Sword Of Light's really exceptional, heh heh heh.  Seriously, I can't wait to get into this class-- finally, something I can do with my spinning!  And I have all that lovely bamboo fibre that I'm working up-- I dug it out last night again.  The colors are SO pretty and vibrant; it doesn't spin quite as easily as silk, but it's still very, very nice.  It would be unutterably cool to have socks that I had spun the fibre for myself...

Work yesterday sucked in alarming ways; it was roughly an 8.0 on the Suckage Richter Scale, I'd say.  The State Of AZ just to make us twitch in their infinite wisdom managed to dig up a rather large chunk of death cases that needed completion; most of them belonged to one coworker, and he's out on vacation.  So there's been this mad scramble for charts, autopsy reports, you name it; and everybody's massively cranky and the person who had most of them came back this morning and I'm not quite sure what to say to them... because this cannot, cannot look good for them.  And he's a nice person; why these sat for so long without being worked on, I have no clue.  Aaagh; I don't want to get somebody fired!  But the letter came to ME and then the effects spread out over everybody in the department...  Rrrargh.  I know, I know, I didn't break this guy's fingers and keep him from investigating these cases, but-- anyway.  Not a good day at all.  The thunderstorm perfectly suited my mood, and I went home and worked on a couple of small projects with a flashlight and a candle close at hand, just in case the power went pfft.

Oh, and I cooked Sloppy Joes, courtesy of a shopping trip on the way home yesterday (at which I bought Dulce de Leche icecream to console myself for the bad day.  Icecream makes it all better!) and discovered once more just how much Bob likes tomato products.  Man, that stuff'll give a cat HORRIBLE flatulence.  I feel rather sorry for Spot just now, because as it's Change-The-Filter-Day in my apartment complex I have the two of 'em shut up together in the ferret-room (the ferrets are in their cage, highly annoyed.  They want at the kitties!)  Poor Spot; hope Bob doesn't get too farty!

Our email at work got weird yesterday too; dunno if IT was doing something to the servers or what, but for most of the afternoon I couldn't get into stuff-- I could *see* it (I thought) but not open it, and considering how it looked this morning there were entries that weren't visible either.  Go figure.  Seems to be okay now, though...

Em?  Thanks for the phone-call.  ^__^  I got to be the Premier Call on your new Bluetooth, huh?  **ignores all appropriate jokes**  And thanks for talking to me later; needed to hear a friendly voice after yesterday, I really did.

Mmmm, rambling post today.  Happy Friday, everyone!  Hope yours is good to you and you get off work early.  Go home and eat some icecream, okay?

sca, work

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