Of Kittens and wars and other random things

Feb 10, 2008 09:52

Bob, my white kitten... is a mutant.  I mean, aside from the leetle stubby tail issue and all that.

Like most cats, when I get something to eat he whines until I give him a sniff at it to see if it's interesting/appetizing; fine, I can deal with that.  I can even deal with the fact that he seems to be rather taken with tomato-ish and spicy flavors ( Read more... )

sca, wtfuckery, links to good stuff, furpersons

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Comments 11

ytak February 10 2008, 17:58:16 UTC
That is odd about Bob (Odd Bob, then?). Especially when you consider that cats can't taste sweet things. They have the taste buds but the gene that made them work deactived a really long time ago. There must be some other taste in the berries he likes. Or maybe his gene activated?


ysabet February 10 2008, 18:47:21 UTC
Really?? Okay, then, he *is* a mutant... or he likes to mess with his Mom... or the consideration regarding ferret-suggestions is way more accurate than I want to believe. >_>... The fact that my other cat went after strawberries to the point of eating them through the chicken-wire that I put over them when I found her snarfing them up makes me wonder about berries in general. Bob eats pretty decent cat-chow, supplemented by the occasional human-foot snack (a lick of butter, a bite of cheese, a scrap of chicken-- nothing huge) and is growing very satisfactorily; he'll be a nice-sized, very sturdy cat when he reaches full growth, and he doesn't show any deficiencies or weaknesses anywhere at all-- eyesight's fine, hearing's sharp, teeth/claws/joints have no problems, barfs up the occasional hairball, whiskers healthy (including ankle-and-brow whiskers)... so-- okay, he's just a mutant. He'll taste almost anything at least once.


ytak February 10 2008, 19:25:02 UTC
I think he likes to mess with his mom. ^_^ What kid doesn't like to do that from time to time? I had a cat who loved french fries. It was tough keeping her away from them when we brought them home.

There is passing mention of the inability to taste sweetness in the "cat" article on wikipedia.


dqbunny February 10 2008, 19:30:04 UTC
I am so looking forward to going to Estrella with you.

Me: Ooooh, shiny!
Icka: Get back here!
Me: But it's shiny!
Icka: No, you need to... get back here too, Ysabet!
Me and Ysabet: Ooooh, shiny!

I've never had pear cider before or blackberry brandy. I was surprised at how bitter apple cider was when we tried it at Stout's.

We're going to make our own good memories! *squish*


snotblossom February 10 2008, 19:48:22 UTC
Pear cider is sweet. At least Ace pear cider is. It's fizzy and tastes more like juice than booze, which can induce one to drink more than one should and not realize it until one gets up to go potty and suddenly finds and stumbles on every fricken' hole, grass clod and pebble on site.


dqbunny February 10 2008, 19:51:48 UTC
*giggles* I think John (Johannes) was telling me about that before we went to Southern. I have a terrible feeling that is something that I would enjoy immensely - like mudslides. My alcohol tolerance is fairly low, unfortunately.


chibirisuchan February 10 2008, 20:14:11 UTC
I know the science says cats don't have sweet receptors, but between my cat and my neighbors' cats, nobody's told the cats this yet. XD

My cat: Couldn't care less about salmon, is reasonably interested in tuna, but will trip you and maul your flat-on-the-kitchen-floor body for butterscotch pudding. (On a regular basis. This wasn't a one-off.)

Neighbor cat #1: Eats Marmite, plays fetch with pipe cleaners like a dog does, and is strangely fascinated by ramen soup with tabasco.

Neighbor cat #2: Is crazy for dried apricots, to the point where she has learned the sound of the particular plastic-crinkle that the dried fruit comes in. Will also gnaw through plastic in order to get at white bean paste buns, and will then eat a sizable portion of them, if they aren't left in something that actually latches (i.e. they're safe in the microwave, but she'll break into the cabinets).

Crazy little beasts... ^__^


ysabet February 10 2008, 21:15:05 UTC
Dried apricots?!? Okay, that IS rather high on the WTFery Scale. Bob doesn't eat too much of my stuff all that much (other than my tea, which I've pretty much given up on keeping away from him), he just wants to sample everything; this morning's scarfing of the blueberry oatmeal was really strange, though. **headscratch** He did want to taste a banana I was eating once, too, come to think of it. Crazy little beasts indeed.


lil_1337 February 11 2008, 01:25:29 UTC
Hatori likes fruit and veggies too. Maybe it's a weird Arizona cat thing.


quiltrebel February 11 2008, 19:13:49 UTC
I used to have a cat who was nuts about green beans. And Doritos. She would open the cabinet door with her paw and rip open a bag of Doritos.


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