Of Kittens and wars and other random things

Feb 10, 2008 09:52

Bob, my white kitten... is a mutant.  I mean, aside from the leetle stubby tail issue and all that.

Like most cats, when I get something to eat he whines until I give him a sniff at it to see if it's interesting/appetizing; fine, I can deal with that.  I can even deal with the fact that he seems to be rather taken with tomato-ish and spicy flavors-- I knew another cat, Harley, that loved pizza-sauce, spaghetti and chili, the hotter the better.  Okay.

But he loves sweet things, and that is NOT normal.  I had a cat once many years ago named Beauty who would eat the strawberries from my garden; but Bob... I just had to put him onto the floor because he was trying his damndest to snarf up all of my Quaker Instant Blueberries 'N Cream Oatmeal.  He didn't just want the possibly-appetizing-to-cats cream, he wanted the blueberries and he wanted them very badly.  He's gone after chocolaty things, my heavily-sweetened tea with lemon (on a regular basis) and also some cut-up oranges.  Weird, weird, weird little cat.

.....of course, I just tossed him in to play with the ferrets, like I do most mornings; maybe they make suggestions.  Those are ALL things they like.  Not necessarily things that are good for them, so they don't always get them (like the chocolate, for instance) but they're all things they like.  **wince**

Um, other stuff....  Am somewhat less than ready for Estrella War next week.  Me and Icka'll be leaving Wednesday night and Morgan, bless her very kind heart, will be stopping by to feed my fuzzy herd.  We'll be at the War through Sunday; thank the gods it's so close by, barely more than an hour's drive away.  NICE.  I've still got a sleeveless overdress and a tan woolen underdress to sew together (and I wouldn't mind a few more veils and another shift but probably won't have the time to make 'em) and then I've got to pack everything and cook Chicken-And-Dumplings for 20-odd people and freeze that for transport... I'll be thawing it and reheating it for Thursday evening, I think; we're camping with Gold Monkey of the Black Hoard this year (and if you're not SCA, that's total Greek, isn't it?  Sorry) and I'll be in the kitchen there somewhat, I think.  Gotta repay my hosts; and anyway, I *like* camp-cooking.  Gonna also be standing as lady-in-waiting to Ianuk a couple of times (one of which'll be during the Laurels' Prize Tourney-- I requested it, because I had a great time the last time I did that, she's fun to follow around) and hopefully taking a handful of classes, and if there's enough free time I'll volunteer to pull some shifts with Security.  This'll be a busy War, I think; hope we don't have any more fires, and please GODS let us have good weather!  By the time I'm done with sewing I'll have two woolen dresses and one polar-fleece one; I have two cloaks, several undergowns, at least one wool tunic, plenty of lighter ones, sheepwool-lined boots, thick socks... think I'm prepared.  **crosses fingers**

We (as in me and Icka, along with Megs, Morgan and Sean at various times) went shopping yesterday to Miller's Surplus, Sports Authority and Saver's (yay!) to pick up camping stuff and, uh... whatever looked interesting.  It kind of lost focus as a War-supply set of errands by the time we hit Saver's, but oh did I ever clean up there-- I got a *great* down comforter in shades of tan, two pairs of shoes (some dark blue suede slippers-sort-of and a pair of KICKass black engineer's boots, heavy leather and perfect-fitting, wooooo), several shirts (tie-dye! **cheers**), a deep-scarlet throw of that incredibly soft chenile stuff with heavy velvet edges.  I *also* found five freaking yards of brushed camel-tan wool, soft as butter and desperately beautiful; hence one of the woolen dresses that's in progress.  I paid $10 for the wool; I damn near MUGGED Saver's.  **happydance**

It's so good to be doing SCA things again.  I lost that so much with the divorce; I want it BACK.  It'll be five years in July-- that's long enough.  I want to enjoy this again.  So, dammit, I'm going to do the things that I've always loved best at this war, and I'm going to remember that I didn't *always* do them with a husband; he wasn't attached to me at the shoulder or anything.

Hmmmm.  Note To Self:  Buy 12-pack of pear cider and maybe some blackberry-brandy (small) before leaving.  ^__^  End Of Note.

Other stuff:  Must do my taxes today; I keep putting it off.  And poke around at as much writing as possible... I'm involved in, uh... **counts** no less than four ongoing
domino_effect_ logs at the moment:  A Steven/Marik one, Joey's birthday one, and parts two and three of the Driving Songs set; all my tags have been tagged.  **hops up and down**  And I found myself trying to work out the next stuff in both Shuffle and Windfall over the past few days; maybe do a brief break from DE and work on those, hm?  They're not dead....

Got a DE meeting tonight; I'm looking forward to that.  Hope we can do some logging afterwards-- I'm definitely in the mood for it.

Been having entirely too much fun (thanks to
nightengale ) playing with this pony generator site... yes, I know; ponies.  Next I'll be talking Valley-speak and wearing Hello!Kitty gear, right?  Not during this life, thanks.  But it HAS been fun, making bizarre horsey critters like this:
  or this:  
    or this:  
  Pretty, huh?  Silly, yes, I know... whatever.  Don't care; fun.  Go play, y'all.

LATER EDIT:  Did my income-tax, whoooo! Getting a reeeeeefund!  **dancedancedance**

sca, wtfuckery, links to good stuff, furpersons

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