NYC: 11/02/07... Post of Halloween Parade pics; going home now...

Nov 02, 2007 21:14

Okay, here are the Halloween Parade pics as promised; some of them have comments, some do not.  They were taken quickly and at random, so my apologies as to the bad quality of the photography.  But dear gods, I had a wonderful time!

Have to make this post quick; I'm at the Houston, TX airport, awaiting my next flight.  One more leg of the trip and I ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

ytak November 3 2007, 02:35:20 UTC
You're in Houston and you didn't say anything before today?! Gee, I'm not that far away... well depending on which airport you are at. (Intercontinetal, close, Hobby, far)

I admit, Houston doesn't hold a candle to NYC but it would've been cool to have you in the area for a day.


ysabet November 3 2007, 07:47:44 UTC
Aaack; sorry... I was there for less than two hours, though, for just long enough to find a spot to plug in and log online. That's why the lj entry was so brief! :\


ytak November 3 2007, 14:15:24 UTC
Excuses, excuses. ;) j/k

I figured it wasn't a long layover and, since security has changed, it would've been trickier to meet. (though, there was a time I had a layover in Vegas and some relatives came to the airport with pizza and hung out until we left.)


ysabet November 3 2007, 16:47:01 UTC
You need to come out for a visit sometime, y'know; we could drag you to the Grand Canyon and stuff! XD


bardicsidhe November 3 2007, 03:38:34 UTC
"...Dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon SNAKE! It's a SNAKE... aahhh, it's a SNAAAAKE..."

Sorry. XD;

Can't thank you enough for showing us all these lovely photos! I'm sorry I didn't get back to you with a list, but, really, my mind went blank the minute I saw the letter and I liked seeing what *you* thought was cool and interesting. :D

The parade is incredibly fascinating. I think my favorites are those Day-Glo bats. XD


ysabet November 3 2007, 16:53:06 UTC
I *LOVED* the bats! (Considering how many pics I took of them, I guess this is kind of evident, hm?) And the snakes, too, but the bats!!! **grin** The volunteers operating them all got into the sort of 'contact high' mindset that swept the whole parade and were acting like TOTAL goofs, which was wonderful. We all were; we (the Dozen Dragons) literally danced from one end of the parade to the other. We linked hands and played crack-the-whip over and over and over, circled people (including several very startled cops), 'Sneaked' people (that involved creeping up very visibly, pausing, and then pouncing with a roar en mass) and other stuff like that. It was just... I can describe it, but you had to be there. And I will again, whenever I can ( ... )


nightengale November 4 2007, 01:04:41 UTC
i want to look at the pictures but i'm just too weary. but i'm really glad that you are so happy. the lyrics are perfect.
love you.


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