NYC: 11/02/07... Post of Halloween Parade pics; going home now...

Nov 02, 2007 21:14

Okay, here are the Halloween Parade pics as promised; some of them have comments, some do not.  They were taken quickly and at random, so my apologies as to the bad quality of the photography.  But dear gods, I had a wonderful time!

Have to make this post quick; I'm at the Houston, TX airport, awaiting my next flight.  One more leg of the trip and I'm home sweet home, back to the desert for me... Back to friends that Oh My Gods I wanted to have along on this vacation so I could share it with them; back to my weasles and my Spot-cat and my apartment, back to NOT walking my bloody feet into oblivion each day.  Home; glad I went away, glad to be coming back.

And-- here are the pics from the Metropolitan Museum of Art as well!  Tons and tons of Egyptian stuff; enjoy.

One last thing:  some lyrics for the trip itself.  Not sure who's singing to who here, me or New York, or both alternating-- so just take 'em as they are.

There you are; your beauty consoles me
I've gone far, and I almost didn't find you
And I almost lived without you
There is nothing in this world
I'd rather do
Than live in you.
Here we go, our favorite adventure
You should know I was never more complete
And I never thought I'd see
The meaning of my life
Wrapped in you.
Next to me, if you ever fear someday we might lose this
Come back here to this moment that will last
And time can go so fast
When everything's exactly
Where it's at:
Its very best.
..................................('My Favorite Adventure', K's Choice)


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