NYC - 11/2/07 and home (and afterwards)

Nov 04, 2007 11:44

Going home from a trip, either for pleasure or otherwise, is always interesting.  You've got the oh-my-gods-I'm-tired and the let's-just-get-there-already and the don't-wanna-leave all going on at once, the packing (did I forget anything? have I checked under the bed? oh gods I know I forgot something!) and the confusion of airport vans and so forth, ad infinitum.  But eventually it all sorts out, and...

Hello? Let's see, Linda was going to meet me.....?  Hello?  Hellooooooo???

So I went on down the escalator to the baggage-claim area, kind of in zombie-mode (reeeaaalllly tired) and stood there staring into space-- and realized that I was looking straight at Icka, sitting on a bench, who was staring straight at ME.  Crash, wham, glomp!  And here came the rest of them, Linda and John and Morgan and Sean and Megs, who had all been over getting coffee.  ^______^  Funny hats were in evidence as was a shark-handpuppet; I got glomped REALLY thoroughly (and why on earth was everybody else at the airport being so stodgy?  Hugs are nice) and we collected my stuff and headed for the nearest Denny's to eat almost-midnight dinner/breakfast.  Got home around actual midnight, was pounced upon by Spot and the Weasle!Boys (Chai is a BRICK OF A FERRET already) and fell into bed around 2 a.m.

...and then I got up and went to the Atenveldt Coronation of Ed and Ossa, our newest king and queen.  Pics are here!  Woo, that was nice.  Except for the exhaustion, that is. Good to see so many old friends that I haven’t run across in ages-I’ve been out of SCA things for too long, really… And afterwards I had a DominoEffect meeting (that was fun, we got into posting a bit of music and planning logs) and then fell over.

So: I’m back. Everybody’s fine, the furry kids are all doing beautifully thanks to Icka’s excellent care (still cannot *believe* how much Chai’s grown in just two weeks-my gods, he’s solid; his paws are HUGE. He’s going to be a Gigantohumongazoid WeasleKing! And so much energy, bouncebouncebounceplayspringleapbounce!) and I’ve paid some bills and washed some laundry… and tomorrow I go back to work.


**commences to whine**

…but it’s still good to be home. In one of my homes. I seem to be collecting them, at least inside my head-places I can be happy in; I’d say that’s a good thing, much better than having a list of places I wouldn’t be caught dead living in, hm? ^__^ So, work tomorrow; more SCA today, grocery-shopping, writing-I *need* to write, badly, got some DominoEffect stuff to work on as well as going back through Shuffle and rereading the last few chapters (I had a plunnie pop up last night regarding how to finish it properly.)

…and I need to unpack-riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Forgot about that. More laundry. Now I *know* I’m home.


(P.S.:  A few last pics I forgot to post-- my hotel and the neighborhood around it.  I liked the East Village, it was friendly.)

sca, nyc

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