Nov 08, 2007 20:33

Ahem.  Gentlemen and Ladies, Madams et Messieurs, please allow me to present the newest member of my household:

His name, officially, is His Ineffable Majesty The Abominable Snowbeast... but around here?  We just call him Bob.  Yes, this is Bob The Kitten.  He is, as you can see below, a Manx:

Apparently his dad, who was white with gold eyes, was an at least partially-tailed Manx, possibly purebred, possibly not; his mom's a white-and-orange unpapered full Manx with copper eyes.  Not that I care in particular about his ancestry, other than the fact that I like the Manx personality-- I've know Manx cats before; they're sort of doglike, they like to follow you around and hang with people.  A lot.  And they're talkative.  And they do NOT freak easily, which is a good thing here, considering that Spot practically spontaneously combusted when she saw what I had...

Oooooh yeah; there's going to be a *lot* of sparks.  Hissssssssss!!!!! ROOOOOOWLHOWCOULDYOUMOMROOOOOOOOOOOWL!!!

But they'll work it out.  And I've kept my promise and given a home to a beautiful little boy.  Welcome home, Bob.

(And, y'all want to know the REALLY funny thing?  Me and Icka thought of the name simultaneously-- we were going over names that applied to something this *white*, starting with Japanese things like Yuki, Shiro, etc. and moving into Snow, Snowball, Moon, and so forth... and we BOTH came up with 'abominable snowman', shortened (like his tail) to 'Bob'.  Only he's not a snowman, he's a snowbeast. XD)


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