Almost Lover 1/5 - Henry & Vicki.

Apr 22, 2009 13:56

A/N: This based 2 years after Henry leaves Vicki in series 1 of Blood Ties. I own nothing (I wish I did...)

Henry Pov.

"Hello Coreen." I smiled as the young woman opened the door. She had changed a lot in the two years I had been away. Not only had she grown but her eyes and face looked wiser, like she had suffered a lot.

"Henry." She looked shocked as she spoke my name, as if she had not expected to see me ever again.
"Do you know where I could find Vicki?" I didn't have time to waste, I needed to see her.
"Oh, you'd better come in." she opened the door, fresh pain covering her pale features.

"Do you want to sit down?" She asked as she sat down.
"No, thank you. But I must ask again. Where's Vicki?" my voice was nearly shaking, I had looked for her most of the previous night, simply to find her flat for sale and no sign of her.

Coreen bit her lip before muttering, "She's dead." her eyes looked into mine, "She became blind about six months after you left, not long after that she was...." she started crying, "She was killed."

Nothing seemed to register after that. My Vicki was dead, killed by the hands of some monster when she was at her weakest. It was my fault, if I'd of stayed with her she would have been safe. I knew I could not ask anything else from Coreen, but who was there to ask?

Of course, her copper friend would know. I needed to know with every bit of me who killed my Vicki. They had to pay.

Mike opened the door to his apartment, as Coreen he seemed incredibly older than I remembered.
"I guess you've heard about Vicki." he asked evenly, his eyes not leaving mine.
"Yes and want to know exactly how she died." I knew I was touching bleeding wounds but I needed to know. Who had killed my Vicki?
"Sit down." he told me, unlike earlier that night I did as I was told, dreading what came next.

"What did Coreen tell you?" he asked, his pain was obvious as it had been with Coreen.
"Just that Vicki was killed shortly after becoming blind." I hated that idea, Vicki being completely defenceless and stuck in that never ending darkness. She would have been incredibly easy to kill, too easy.
"Well, she was distraught after you left, so she killed off every demon she could lay her hands on. Soon her vision was gone completely and to make things worse and old murderer we put away somehow escaped from jail with only revenge on his mind. He soon found Vicki and took her..." Mike's voice cracked up, tears running down his seemingly ancient skin.

I knew I should change topic but I still had one burning question, "What did he go to jail for?"
Mike looked away, "He was a convicted rapist."


Hey, I've never written a Henry & Vicki story before so if you like it please, pretty please comment.


( Part 2. )

henry/vicki, blood ties

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