and i don't know what it is

Dec 05, 2005 09:22

In an effort to maintain with her a voice of...reason, that is unbiased and objective, feelings, thoughts & emotions have been suppressed. And now I am unsure as to whether or not i regret taking such an approach, whether or not it has ultimately proven to serve as the best choice.  You find yourself constantly in a position where you are the ( Read more... )

and i don't know what it is

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Comments 2

julianschaos December 5 2005, 16:34:31 UTC
this might sound harsh, this might sound inappropriate...i dont care...lets kill her. I just hope she wont be over here as much anymore. And i can have Token all to myself like the good ol days where WE watch SVU all day, and WE stay up free-styling and doing stupid shit, you know, all those random acts of stupidity before i unfortunately decided to bring that stupid bitch into our lives!


dancinred05 December 5 2005, 20:57:14 UTC
wait who does Joe want to kill so bad?

And by the way matt, I liked your disney example!!


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