Apr 11, 2006 18:35
I have several problems this week. Violet is teething, permanently has tears running down her cheeks. Lana popped by last night to go over the books for the Talon. I had hope that she would cheer Violet up. It took Clark 2 hours to calm her down. I have ointment but it doesn't seem to help.
Today I went to a meeting in Metrpolis, and was force fed rice salad. It spent roughly 1 minute inside me before I painted my persian carpet in my office with it. I no longer believe that Luthors can do whatever they put their minds to. Oh and of course my father had to walk in at that particular moment. I'm glad he's blind. I managed to excuse myself and had the chopper bring me home.
Now I have the problem of finding a new tailor. Nothing fits, and while Clark is quite happy to watch me walk about the house with a pair of his old jeans on, I would prefer not to. My feet are swelling up and I have spots. I also feel like I should be wearing an adult diaper. I look like shit.