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Comments 156

goldenusagi October 8 2011, 12:36:47 UTC
So, obviously everything that's happened to Caroline via Damon (however far in the viewer's memory) is recent for her.

My only thing about this is that, yes, while it is, the show itself seems to have forgotten that. We never saw a huge fallout from what Damon did to Caroline while she was human, because I honestly don't think the show knew how to go there.

I guess my thing is that Caroline seemed weirdly Damon-fixated/anti-Damon this ep. If she had been more hostile all along, I wouldn't see it as suddenly odd.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 12:51:43 UTC
I completely agree with that, which is why I'm fine with this fall-out, even if it's sudden (I'm also guessing it was only for that once episode, lol, this show) because it's something that needed to happen. Caroline's fixation arises because this time she realizes that it's not only Damon-is-madly-in-love-with-Elena, it's also that Elena is attracted to Damon and that rouses her protective instincts. She doesn't want Elena to go through even a quarter of what she's gone through and she's not sure how 'different' or 'safe' Damon is.

It's odd, definitely, but then but I don't think I'd blame Caroline for it, considering I don't blame Damon for mostly anything!

This show has a history of bringing up stuff they shall never addess, haha.


goldenusagi October 8 2011, 13:00:43 UTC
I guess I just don't see Caroline's attitude here as the fallout from that. I mean, I think if Caroline thought that Elena was in danger of Damon doing the things to Elena that he did to Caroline, Caroline would (justifiably) be going off the rails, not just making continual snippy comments ( ... )


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:22:42 UTC
I think if Caroline thought that Elena was in danger of Damon doing the things to Elena that he did to Caroline, Caroline would (justifiably) be going off the rails, not just making continual snippy comments.

Oh, I don't think Caroline fears that at all! As in, I'm sure she knows Damon would never consciously do anything to hurt Elena. I think most of her snipe just results from Damon trying to gloss Damon's actions and trying to pretend she doesn't have feelings, which Caroline can see she does. So the more Elena tries to say "it's only for his brother", the more "srsly" Caroline gets. I just

ut Alaric has no problems whatsoever with Damon's fake girlfriend Andie? Neither does Elena? No, they couldn't *stop* Damon from doing those things, short of killing him, but it's weird that they happily go along with it, just brushing it off.OH MY GOD, DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON DAMON/ANDIE AND THE COMPLETE LACK OF REACTION. Everyone involved with that storyline came off infinitely worse for wear. And even Caroline, if anyone, SHE should ( ... )


fiddlings October 8 2011, 13:00:13 UTC
Well said.


EDIT: Oh, and also, the Damon thing.

I’m so glad the show isn’t sacrificing who he’s always been to keep his friendships intact or making relationships static.He acted as he always does; he lashed out. The boy is self-destructive like whoa.

I'm glad someone remembers this. Because no one else seems to. They're all like WHY DID DAMON ACT LIKE THAT? Um, because he's still the same person. Sure, he's made progress, but to make him this one-dimensional guy who just pines for Elena and says cocky things about violence but never actually does them? Would be ridiculous and completely unbelievable, character-wise.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:26:52 UTC

Sure, he's made progress, but to make him this one-dimensional guy who just pines for Elena and says cocky things about violence but never actually does them? Would be ridiculous and completely unbelievable, character-wise.

YES, THANK YOU. And also, the show totally does this stuff deliberately with Damon because they know that a majority of fandom will forgive Damon regardless of most things he does. I remember a Julie Plec interview where she's like 'we though him killing Jeremy would make everyone hate him, like how dare he do it. But instead the reactions we got were 'poor Damon, he's so sad. He's totally alone. No one chooses him.' and that was awesome because we can explore his character to the extreme now because he'll still have audience sympathy." This is exactly what makes him so interesting; if all he was was a vampire completely in love with Elena and a ~better man because of a woman's love, I wouldn't even watch that. *nods*


fiddlings October 8 2011, 23:27:45 UTC
Caroline is my favorite character on the show, hands down.

Also, this episode made me start shipping Caroline/Damon just the tiniest bit.

Oh, I definitely believe that; I'm not surprised at all.

if all he was was a vampire completely in love with Elena and a ~better man because of a woman's love, I wouldn't even watch that.



youcallitwinter October 9 2011, 16:03:58 UTC
She's definitely the character that I love the most consistently, lol. I love the others but a lot of times they just make me go O_____O WHAAAAAAAAI?

OMG, thing of all the hot vampire sex that they're so capable of having, as witnessed through their fight. And totally ties in with our incest kink with Daddy Damon and his "little girl", that scene made me LOL.


ishi_chan October 8 2011, 13:01:58 UTC
Caroline's non-reaction in As I Lay Dying bothered me a lot because I thought it was horribly OOC for her to not be concerned or blame herself.

That bothered me a lot, especially because I squeed so hard when he did it (It nearly made my D/C shipper heart explode). :/

Still haven't watched any new TVD so I can't really talk about all that other stuff, but I hate that people seem to hold the most natural human reactions against her, even more so because Damon gets a free pass for pretty much anything.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:32:11 UTC
I know, right? It was completely OOC for me, it didn't make sense for her character at all!

OMG, THIS EPISODE I WAS ALL FOR DAMON/CAROLINE LIKE WHOA. They were SO GOOD in, like, the one scene they had together. I was legit aww...ing at 'your annoying, control-freak of a daughter'. And the fight scene shouldn't have been as hot as it was :D

Damon in this fandom is that character who either inspires epic love or epic hate; people who'll forgive him anything (or will say that he didn't do those things at all) and people who'd hate him even if he was building a shelter for homeless kittens, haha.

Wait, when you say you haven't watched new TVD, you mean this season? YOU SHOULD, AS A D/C SHIPPER :D


ishi_chan October 8 2011, 20:41:13 UTC
I think I'm afraid I might not like it after being into it so much last season (I mean I wrote fanfic, for me that's HUGE). Hearing about the fight scene definitely tempts me though :)

I don't know about Damon and I'm not really involved in the TVD fandom since the rareships communities doesn't give me as much Caroline-stuff anymore. I'm a bit astonished at the people who have to excuse every bad thing he does to love him. I mean, it's possible to adore a character AND recognize he's done/sometimes does some really awful stuff to other people (usually this is the sort of character that I love the most) and that is not just gone because he does some good stuff later.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 21:05:38 UTC
But it's really gooooood! Well at least I've been loving everything till now (maybe I'm just easy to please? D:) Ooh, fic, where? Link!! The fight scene is awesome, you should watch it and write more fic.

Damon is exactly that character for me, I love him despite and because of all his psychotic jackassery. Boy is NOT stable. Also self-destructive to the NTH. And I like that, excusing all that would just make him...less of a character. Less dynamic, less interesting, less everything. He does awful stuff and I acknowledge it and still love him because he's fiction. Saying he DOESN'T do it is pretty odd, really.


brightstarmara October 8 2011, 13:33:35 UTC
Caroline ROCKED THIS EPISODE!!!! I always love her but she kicked Damon's ass and he did not see that coming at all.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:33:57 UTC
CAROLINE KICKING DAMON'S ASS (highly unrealistic, heh) WAS THE BEST THING EVER. I ADORED IT SO MUCH. And I love how at the end, when they stopped fighting, Damon was all "bummer, I enjoy a good girl fight".


brightstarmara October 9 2011, 13:29:57 UTC
HE was SOOOOO bluffing. GOt his ass kicked hard by Barbie. Just like Mason :P


youcallitwinter October 9 2011, 16:05:02 UTC
And Tyler, I JUST LOVE CAROLINE AND HER BAMFNESS. All the guys should basically just bow down. Ditto Katherine :D


(The comment has been removed)

youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:54:34 UTC
Oh man, I never used to read them. OR WRITE THEM. But obviously apparently I wasn't wasting my time enough so I decided to do both. There should be a medal *nods*


But seriously, I adored the Damon/Caroline fight, especially how completely fine they seemed to be with each other after it. And Damon being all "maaaan, gurl can fight". It was more than epic. Also, Caroline kicking the ass of the men in this show is never not awesome; Matt, Tyler, Mason, Damon. The girl is basically the hbic-est of them all. She and Katherine need to start School of Awesome.

Questions like 'Seriously, did no one stumble over Ric's body on the front lawn there,' or 'How come Katherine knows everything all the time, like a sultry badass deus ex machina,' or 'Did Tyler not follow Caroline downstairs.'

That is forever Katherine's nickname now: Sultry Badass Deux Ex Machina, basically.

Also, GOOD QUESTIONS I didn't think of any of them DDD:.

But my questions were not 'how could anyone treat Damon that way,' because really, ( ... )


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