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fiddlings October 8 2011, 13:00:13 UTC
Well said.


EDIT: Oh, and also, the Damon thing.

I’m so glad the show isn’t sacrificing who he’s always been to keep his friendships intact or making relationships static.He acted as he always does; he lashed out. The boy is self-destructive like whoa.

I'm glad someone remembers this. Because no one else seems to. They're all like WHY DID DAMON ACT LIKE THAT? Um, because he's still the same person. Sure, he's made progress, but to make him this one-dimensional guy who just pines for Elena and says cocky things about violence but never actually does them? Would be ridiculous and completely unbelievable, character-wise.


youcallitwinter October 8 2011, 20:26:52 UTC

Sure, he's made progress, but to make him this one-dimensional guy who just pines for Elena and says cocky things about violence but never actually does them? Would be ridiculous and completely unbelievable, character-wise.

YES, THANK YOU. And also, the show totally does this stuff deliberately with Damon because they know that a majority of fandom will forgive Damon regardless of most things he does. I remember a Julie Plec interview where she's like 'we though him killing Jeremy would make everyone hate him, like how dare he do it. But instead the reactions we got were 'poor Damon, he's so sad. He's totally alone. No one chooses him.' and that was awesome because we can explore his character to the extreme now because he'll still have audience sympathy." This is exactly what makes him so interesting; if all he was was a vampire completely in love with Elena and a ~better man because of a woman's love, I wouldn't even watch that. *nods*


fiddlings October 8 2011, 23:27:45 UTC
Caroline is my favorite character on the show, hands down.

Also, this episode made me start shipping Caroline/Damon just the tiniest bit.

Oh, I definitely believe that; I'm not surprised at all.

if all he was was a vampire completely in love with Elena and a ~better man because of a woman's love, I wouldn't even watch that.



youcallitwinter October 9 2011, 16:03:58 UTC
She's definitely the character that I love the most consistently, lol. I love the others but a lot of times they just make me go O_____O WHAAAAAAAAI?

OMG, thing of all the hot vampire sex that they're so capable of having, as witnessed through their fight. And totally ties in with our incest kink with Daddy Damon and his "little girl", that scene made me LOL.


fiddlings October 10 2011, 01:02:36 UTC
Haha, true.

SERIOUSLY. Ngl, it was definitely the fight that put it into my mind. No comment on the incest.


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