May 31, 2007 00:11
Something's not right with Ichigo ~ I hate to say this, but I need to talk to Hichigo.
I'm too damn serious right now, and it's annoying me.
Mar 20, 2007 23:11
A bright flash of light resonates in a back alley of Shangri-La causing some people to look. All they see is a small black cat licking its paws and holding a package in its mouth. It goes wandering around, trying catch snippets of conversations about a red haired kappa. It passed by a bar and waiting for some clue about it, the cat wandered inside.
Mar 02, 2007 09:47
Where the fuck is Urahara, I'm not his shopkeeper and he's out of milk.
((OOC: PMS!Yoruichi))
Jan 23, 2007 16:32
Arrancar? Rufus ShinRa?
Little Byakuya, please elaborate on this. If I find out that Urahara is behind this <3
Jan 14, 2007 12:22
Urahara, Ichigo - I'm in Soul Society (by the way, Uraraha they have T1 direct access connection - Renji was right), but the entire place doesn't know what's going on. I have yet to see Little Byakuya ~
Jan 10, 2007 23:34
The internet amuses me so.