Title: Junsu and his Fanboy Author: yoosu_crazy Length: Oneshot Genre: Smut, Romance Rating: NC-17 Summary: Yoochun is Xia Junsu’s fanboy. Author’s notes: Unbetaed. Bear with my errors XD For Amanda’s birthday and Happy New Year! Thanks for the help, Shee! :*
Title:17- Fall Him Out Of Love (part 2) Author:pegasusxiah/angelcass Length:chaptered Pairing:Yoosu(main) , Yunjae Genre:fluff, romance, drama Rating:-Pg-13toR
Title:16- Fall Him Out Of Love (part 1) Author:pegasusxiah/angelcass Length:chaptered Pairing:Yoosu(main) , Yunjae Genre:fluff, romance, drama Rating:-Pg-13toR
Title:13- To Our New Home (part 1) Author:pegasusxiah/angelcass Length:chaptered Pairing:Yoosu(main) , Yunjae Genre:fluff, romance, drama Rating:-Pg-13toR