for they get the better even of their blunders

Sep 29, 2008 00:01

Haha, ok, so I'm working on my *~slide show~* to eventually print out and put on poster board, and I pulled out my little notebook I got as a freebie for something-or-other last year to make a list of things to get at the COOP tomorrow morning (assuming they have poster boards, construction paper, and glue - fingers are duly crossed). Now, this ( Read more... )

random, emo

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Comments 9

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yodante September 29 2008, 04:47:46 UTC
Mmm, see, I've thought about it, but I also have fundamental talking-to-people issues, so I'm not sure it would do any good. I'll just see how things go, I guess. I do hope it goes well for you, though!

Thank you. ♥ I am doing a lot better. I've just never felt so completely helpless in my life, and I didn't know how to deal.


eclectrodiva September 29 2008, 04:59:50 UTC
I hope that you do talk to someone. There are people who live to help with emotional issues and will help in complete confidentiality.

I care about you a huge amount and want you to be comfortable.

I love you!


yodante September 29 2008, 05:09:04 UTC
I know, I just feel like there's so much more I need to straighten out in my head first. Which is completely the problem, and logically, I know that, but the thought of trying to verbalize what exactly is wrong with me when I'm always fighting against myself (by telling myself I shouldn't be such a wimp about it, etc.) to a complete stranger just...terrifies me.

I love you too Ducky! (You do know that, right? I worry that you might not sometimes, because I don't talk to you as often as I should, but I love you and care about you so much.)


eclectrodiva September 29 2008, 05:38:13 UTC
Ok, well they are there to help you straighten this out in your head and to point those thought into their right cubbies. You are not being a whimp and, in fact, not getting help is making matters worse. Sometimes the bravest ones are the ones that admit they need help.

ALSO! I am going to be in Boston with a group of friends, hopefully, in November-ish times to visit a buddy at Harvard and would LOVE to come hang out with you too!


yodante September 29 2008, 12:38:28 UTC
Woah, woah, woah. SERIOUSLY??? You HAVE to let me know! Even if you can only get away for 15 minutes, we have a pretty funky looking building that you can stare at for a while before going back to Harvard :D


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