Blogcrew Attempt #10: Moth to Flame

Apr 22, 2008 19:50

It's been a while since I've posted a blogcrew! I suddenly didn't feel like it after I had to make a 3rd claims post, and I haven't even been claiming at all much lately... But I made this one more than a week ago, I think, and I suddenly feel like posting it.

It's 2 days before our trip to Boracay, so I feel like posting this before we go. I think I'll open it before we leave on Thursday morning (take note that my timezone is 1hr after Japan's, so it might be Wednesday night where you are or something). I'm not sure how often I'll be able to go online after that, so please be patient, ne?

Some simple rules for this blogcrew:
(in case you aren’t familiar with my blogcrews yet…)

1.) First come, first serve (as always....)

2.) Any and ALL guys in the Asian music entertainment industry are fair game~! Past or present!
I forgot to mention that actors are also allowed...gomen... I copied the wrong set of rules *hides*

3.) Each person/lj user can claim only ONE artist

4.) Three (3) claims per artist. To accomodate the people on my f-list >.<

5.) Give the full name of the JE boy you want to claim and the group he is in

If your claim isn’t in JE, give the FULL NAME and the GROUP (or whatever classification applies) even more, because I fail at groups outside JE…

6.) My f-list gets about 1-2 days head start, depending on when I feel like opening the blogcrew to the public…

7.) Please don't post until I've given the ok (usually comes in the form “hai, dozou~! ^_^” ) ...I promise I'll get to your requests ASAP, so please just wait a little...
Important Note: I am currently on a 5-day vacation and I'm not sure when I can go online again. But if you still want to claim though I'm not going to be on regularly, just leave a comment.
I'm BACK~! ;P

8.) One person can be claimed only three times, even if he is/was/will be in 10 groups or something...

9.) F-list reservations: usernames between asterisks (e.g. *ynaoblivious*) are reservations, and if you want to claim or un-reserve anyone, please comment. (plus, you can only have one, so you need to choose, ne?) I’m giving you about a week to get your reserved boy…

*if there's something wrong with the code, please tell me so I can fix it... ♥

► Like moth → FLAME ◄
【[Insert Claim Here]】 draws me in and ♆ BURNS ♆ me up!

► Like moth → FLAME ◄
[Insert Claim Here]】 draws me in and ♆ BURNS ♆ me up!

JE :
Ohno Satoshi (1/3) - { amethystdream3 }
Matsumoto Jun (1/3) - { ainekaikan }

Hey! Say! JUMP
Yamada Ryosuke (2/3) - { onigirii_xb , kazhy419 }
Arioka Daiki (1/3) - { ai_no_hanabi }
Takaki Yuya (1/3 - { chibilover14 }
Yabu Kota (1/3) - { rii_harumi }

Nishikido Ryo (3/3) - { ynaoblivious , sakuramushy27 , silverrangel }
Ohkura Tadayoshi (1/3) - { junn0_mei }
Uchi Hiroki (1/3) - { nishikido88 }

Ueda Tatsuya (3/3) - { fujaya , *hokuto_sama* , resha_hime }
Kamenashi Kazuya (3/3) - { *nobodylovesu* , tensaimaterial , martaeruroraito }
Akanishi Jin (3/3) - { xtainted_soul , annatanhe , misakii }
Tanaka Koki (1/3) - { iizumi }

Fujuigaya Taisuke (1/3) - { makro14 }
Nikaido Takashi (1/3) - { kate64100 , nana_hikachan }

Nishikido Ryo (3/3) - { ynaoblivious , sakuramushy27 , silverrangel }
Koyama Keiichiro (3/3) - { silver881 , neotenii , n4_ch4n }
Yamashita Tomohisa (3/3) - { *xwhimsyx* , lizzfan , pi_chu }
Tegoshi Yuya (3/3) - { kasuki , animeneko_chan , sukitego }
Kato Shigeaki (3/3) - { ayau3 , junno_aiba88 , zha_daize }
Uchi Hiroki (1/3) - { nishikido88 }
Masuda Takahisa (2/3) - { tesshi_o8 , carcrashheart_8 }

Other JE
Hashimoto Ryosuke (1/3) - { xxaibaxl0v3xx }
Ikuta Toma (1/3) - { mitsuki_hime , lakuru_san }

Non-JE :
Actors/Solo Artists
Miyavi (2/3) - { akc925 , o_cherushii_o }
Gackt (1/3) - { vanilla_veins }
Sung Si Kyung (1/3) - { mizeryrose }
Kaya (1/3) - { nyappydreams }

Abingdon Boys School
Takanori Nishikawa (1/3) - { takanori_lover }

Alice Nine
Shou (2/3) - { kissme_deadly_x , dracos_astra }
Saga (3/3) - { loveholic18 , goth_batafurai , angie_valo }
Tora (3/3) - { malveillance , mint_hayaku , yomi_chan }
Hiroto (1/3) - { alice_pon }
Nao (1/3) - { yukikyo }

An Cafe
Miku (3/3) - { toranesu , kktsubasa , cafekko_kiko}
Kanon (1/3) - { jrocku_kissu }

Azuma Tomoki (1/3) - { se7engdragon }

Karyu (1/3) - { deatheaterjera }
Zero (1/3) - { pothicblood }

dio-distraught overlord
Mikaru (1/3) - { nono23q }

Dir en grey
Kaoru (1/3) - { freedomxpeace }
Kyo (1/3) - { gl4x }

Fly to the Sky
Brian Joo (1/3) - { ilovebrianjoo }

the GazettE
Reita (3/3) - { xxkuroihoshixx , preeseelah , yumi382 }
Ruki (1/3) - { candyxlala }
Uruha (1/3) - { lifeisnyaa }

Super Junior
Lee Donghae (2/3) - { kumaguro4303 , somnium_vita }

Super Junior M
Henry Lau (1/3) - { zyjean24 }
Shindong (1/3) - { shindongluver21 }

Takuya (1/3) - { uver_chan }



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