
[draft/scrap/ficlet] Saiyuki - Sanzo-ikkou - PG | looking for a beta again

Mar 08, 2009 23:24

Same as a few days ago: an appealing theme from 31_days for 3/8 day, 'xcept even less time to get a beta, as I've had trouble writing this ficlet. It just didn't turn out as I wanted, and I'm even less pleased with this one than with the previous one. Buuut, I have to keep trying if I want to come up with something satisfying one day (or so I hope.)

By the way, it doesn't matter if I can't have my fics betaed before the deadline: there's amnesty day the last day of each month at 31_days where anyone can post fics for any theme of the month. And as amnesty themes are not added to the community's memories, I think that's for the best if I wait till march 31th to post my ficlets there.

Title: (n/a)
Day/Theme: march 8/and crazy is the forecast all week
Series: Saiyuki
Characters/Pairing: the Sanzo-ikkou, hints at Hakkai/Sanzo (but not much)
Rating: PG

For the last few days the Sanzo-ikkou passed on the road, the weather had gotten damper and damper. First drizzle then rain and now downpour. By the time they found a town, they were soaked to the bones.

It's going keep raining a few more days, I'd say a whole week, then it'll stop, the girl at the inn said.
'How can you be so sure?'
She shrugged: she just 'felt' it would. Everyone in this part of the country just knew. It was the way the weather worked in this season.

'There's no reason not to trust her saiying. What should we do?'
'Let's keep going. No way I'm letting this fucking rain delay us.'
'But you can't, Sir. I'm sorry. The road is . . . unfit, even with a Jeep. At this time of year, when it rains so, everything turns to mud. There are always landslides. And, if you want to go West there's the river to cross, and it has flooded. When the rain ceases they'll rebuild the bridge again but for now . . .'
'Is that so?'
'I guess it cannot be helped, then.'

Hakkai's forced cherrfulness sent chills down everyone's spine. Even Sanzo's, who was busy grumpying, moodily biting on his unlit - too damp around for it - cigarette's butt to pay attention to anyone else's discomfort. He was gloomy on rainy days, everyone was bound to know this, and he wouldn't acknowledge anyone's complaints whatsoever.
Hakkai would have said that Sanzo complied in his misery on rainy days.

'Well. Gojyo, you'll have to room with Goku all week, then.'
'Hey, wait, why do I have to share a room with
that perverted kappa / that idiot chimp

'Ah ha ha. But you wouldn't have to bear with Sanzo's crankiness - or mine - a whole week now would you?'

No. No they wouldn't.

'Then it's settled. Try not to make too much noise and not to kill each other - and not get any of you killed by Sanzo (or by me) - by the time we can hit the road again.'

Gojyo and Goky tried to argue (but not for long).

'Nonsense. Better way is to leave Sanzo by himself.'
'No, not for so long.'
'C'm'on. Even Hakkai couldn't bear with him.'
'Do you really think so?'

Arguing was pointless when Hakkai had decided on something.

'They do say misery loves company, after all.'
'But Sanzo doesn't like anyone's company.'
'Or so he says. What about yours?'

Goku remained silent. Truly, he was never sure wether Sanzo liked him as Goku hoped, and if he just barely tolerated his presence as Sanzo said.

'Pah. Whatever. Let's leave the sour grapes together. see the bright side -'
'But there's no bright side right now, the sky's all cloudy and dark!'
'Metaphore, punk, ever heard of it?'
'What about you, you damn cockroach, you what it means?'

'Anyway. With Sanzo and Hakkai locked in this room you got all week to eat your heart's content and I got all week to get a lady or two in my bed!'

saiyuki, saiyuki gojyo, saiyuki sanzo, scribouillage, fanfic, gen-ish, saiyuki hakkai, saiyuki goku

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