I am so sorry for the delay, guys. Life has been hectic lately (exams, haha) and I lost track.
Part one here! Part two here! Part three here! Part four here! Part five here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If
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Wally goes missing: he's not been kidnapped, he's simply ran away from home and abadoned the team (reason can be up to authors) and with his speed he could be on the other side of the world... from there on in it's up the authors if/how he is found and in what situation and if he comes back.
Bonus: Roy/Wally or Robin/Wally
That said I always find it interesting to see other peoples takes on similar premises, so it would certainly be fun to see this done by someone else XD
I love runaway prompts and anything with street rats, basically, so this would be awesome.
AN: Time line switches from present to past, with past in italics if I did my tags correctly.
Dick should have known.
He should have seen the signs, but he didn’t and now it was too late. At least he wasn’t alone in his self loathing. Roy was suffering from the same self blame, as was Kaldur, Batman, the Flash, Megan, Black Canary, Iris Allen, Conner and Artemis. Anyone who loved and cared for Wally West hated themselves for not knowing. But Dick did his best not to dwell on it, because that did nothing to help.
When Dick laid in his large, plush bed at night and stared up at the ceiling, he tried not to dwell. He tried not to think about if Wally had a bed to sleep in. He tried not to think about if Wally had enough food. He tried not to think about if Wally was alone. He tried not to think about if Wally was safe. He tried not to think about if he could’ve stopped Wally.
He tried not to dwell, he really, really tried.
“Superboy is getting ( ... )
Robin caught Megan staring at the refrigerator again. Conner stood behind her and he was glaring at the kitchen appliance like it had done something terrible. Robin was surprised that Superboy’s heat vision didn’t suddenly develop and make the refrigerator explode.
“We have so much food,” Megan murmured. “There’s too much food! We shouldn’t have so much food!”
When Megan burst into tears, Conner punched the refrigerator with a loud scream of rage. Kaldur pulled him off of it while Robin did his best to comfort Megan. They try to keep her out of the kitchen, mostly because incidents like this or times when she’d just silently sink to her knees and cry.
Bruises and cuts were par for the course for all crime fighters. So Conner, Kaldur and Robin didn’t even think twice when Wally took off his shirt in the locker room and his chest was covered in faded yellowed bruises. They sympathized, but they didn’t think twice about it. Dick had his own deep purple bruises around his ribs and he was actually jealous of Wally’s ( ... )
Robin stretched himself over Wally’s bed and watched as Wally cleaned his room at Mount Justice. It was an odd sight, but he figured that the room had gotten too messy even for Wally. Not that Robin was going to help, he kept his room nice and clean for a reason, and if he helped Wally then the speedster would never learn.
He blinked in surprise when Wally suddenly held out a box of his prized superhero action figures to him. Robin looked down and didn’t know what to do.
“I know Tim has been eyeing these for awhile, he can have them,” Wally explained.
“Dude, trust me, Tim doesn’t need more toys.”
“Give them to him, I don’t want them anymore.”
Robin didn’t want to take the box. But there was something firm yet desperate in Wally’s tone that he couldn’t refuse. Robin’s stomach turned and his fingers tightened around the box that Wally had put into his hands. He would have to talk to Wally about this later.
There was no later.Iris Allen let Dick into the house with a tired smile. He made sure to visit her at least once ( ... )
At first the Wests were cooperative, they were devastated, they were everything parents whose son went missing should be. Robin didn’t suspect a thing. They made pleas with the media, they talked with the police and the Justice League, they helped with the search, and they graciously accepted the sympathies of all those around them ( ... )
It was easy to find the audio files on the computer and almost just as easy to bypass Batman’s security measures to keep them away from Dick. But Dick was just a little better at this, just a little. He had shoved his siblings out of the cave and put on his headphones to listen.
The particular file he opened didn’t have people speaking, but it was far from silent. There was the sound of something being thrown around, the heaviness of wood breaking, shuffling, then the sound of someone being hit, and finally sobbing and groans of pain in an all too familiar voice.
Dick rushed for the bathroom and spent the next hour throwing up and dry heaving.Exiting his school, Dick walked towards the car waiting for him and pulled out his phone to find that he had five missed calls from Roy. Running to the car and getting in, Dick ignored Alfred and Damian, Cass and Stephanie who were all in the car already, done with their day of kindergarten and preschool. Tim and Jason wouldn’t be off from school for another half hour. He glared at ( ... )
I love the writing style, and the switch from present to past and back worked beautifully.
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