Valerie' s behavior concerning me has mostly been and still is, rather more than ever, arrogant, insulting, heartless, egotistical and generally totally inappropriate.
Believe it or not, but she had and still has no right to act like that.
" Your package is nice but I've got to look twice To find the real you "
~ Chic, ' Take it off '
You could really say that. Twice ? By far not enough. And i' m trying this for at least 5 years now to understand her. So hard. It ain' t easy. Definitely not easy.
Bullshit. Every silver lining implies a heavy cloud. Light clouds have no silver lining and a clouded sky displays no silver lining at all. THAT way it makes sense. This is not being negative and the other way round is not being positive, it is kind of delusional.