DAY FOURTEEN ★ somewhere it hides a well

Nov 21, 2015 21:55

Username: bluedreaming
Prompt #: Original Prompt
Title: somewhere it hides a well
Ship: Sehun & Yifan (father & son)
Side ships: Kai/Unnamed Woman (broken), Sehun & Tao (friends), Baekhyun/Yang Zishan, Baekhyun & Yifan (friends), Kai & Yifan (coparents?)
Rating: PG
Word count: 9,860 words
Warnings: minor character death, implied depression, briefly implied ( Read more... )

day 14, *fanfiction, ship: sehun/yifan, rating: pg

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Comments 8

kingcamecalling November 22 2015, 05:19:20 UTC
I thought this was absolutely beautiful, from beginning to end.

Just I love kid!Sehun, I love the whole idea that Sehun doesn't want to cry because he doesn't want his dad to be sad anymore. The relationship between the two of them, and how hard Sehun tries to cheer Yifan up with the drawing, how he tries to make him whole and not lost anymore. And to see the subtle change once Jongin comes into the picture. And i'm not saying I sorta started crying when Yifan was telling Sehun that he makes him very happy, but I did. The picture of Sehun's Family killed me, I just it's perfect. And just at the beginning it seems a lot more gloomy and rainy but by the end of it you get the image of warmth and just happiness.

This is a mess of a comment but I just wanted to say I'm completely in love with this fic. You did a fantastic job! :)


lotusk November 22 2015, 07:10:00 UTC
How do I articulate my thoughts about this beautiful story? Sehun's earnest concern and devotion and love for his dad is just - I was clutching my chest all the way through this bc so moving. In all the best ways ;-; how sad yifan and Jongin were - I just wanted to wrap them up in a blanket and tell them everything would be okay, just like Sehun tried to do for them. He really is the most precious, giving kid who cares enough to take charge when the grown ups in his life are being silly penguins. I love him so much I want to adopt him but that would make yifan sad so I won't. Also I'm dying to know the back stories for kairis!!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful wonderful story! ILYSM!!!!!


anonymous November 22 2015, 07:48:19 UTC
im still sobbing at this beautiful piece and my brain cannot construct a good comment so im just gonna say this is so beautiful im giving my firstborn away for this


anonymous November 22 2015, 11:48:26 UTC
I have to confess. I don't read anything else beside KrisHo but your story with KrisHun is father-son so I decided to give it a try.
And I finished it.

Your story is so beautiful. There is part I almost cried (I chocked a sob, really) and you kept make it raining and I couldn't be happy as I read thru it.

When Sehun found Jongin, I had hope it would have been Mama (cuz, KrisHo stan here) and was a bit disappointed when it wasn't. But I still continued reading.
I had hope along the way that 'please don't let Papa fall in love with Jongin' so I just imagine Jongin is like Se's older brother.

Anyway, I finished everything (tho a bit sad it didn't have KrisHo) and it is lovely. Thank you for writing it. ^_^


durianparfait November 22 2015, 16:57:59 UTC

I cried pretty badly when I read this. I'll leave a proper long as eff comment when the author crossposts it but for now; thank you writing this, thank you for making me cry, thank you thank you. I look forward to the reveals and finding out who the author is. Also super excited to know Jongin's back story. Sehun is so mature and precious here.


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