Repaying a Kindness

Jan 17, 2008 23:03

Repaying a Kindness
Late Afternoon on the 18th of Janvier in the Year 1186
Odette, Gabrielle
House Heliotrope: Gabrielle's Residence

Inflamed flesh. The kind that indicates fresh inking. That the sight greeting Odette, Gabrielle seated on a bed, her back to a door. Being an adept and well into her service, she is accorded her own room. Violets and butter yellow. A meager dresser, a night table with a tea service on it. A pile of fabric on the bed and Gabrielle wrapped in only a towel.

Odette knocks softly on the door frame to announce her coming. "Hello my dear. I brought you a present..." Her warm smile alighting up her eyes. She holds a small ceramic container topped with a cork.

Gabrielle looked over, a curse flowing from her mouth as she lifted a finger, sucking on it. "Come in, come in. My apologies. I would be dressed but all my robes were bothering my back. Come. Ignore the fabric." She looked much happier, the sunshine from within pouring forth. A book on the bed was open to some instructions, sewing it seemed, and the fabric was being pieced together. "Monsieur Giordano of the vestiti boutique teaches me to sew. I have lapsed in my lessons and trying to catch up while I have a few days. You got my gift then"

Odette smiles broadly. "I did indeed, what a beautiful thing to say.. well several things. I was touched, really." She says this earnestly, and one almost wonders if this is the first time the girl has ever had such a kindness. "You've a silver tongue in all the best of ways, luv. I brought you some of our healing balm from Valerian. Its our cure-all... for intense inflections after sessions with patrons and I figured if it can heal the marks of a flogger right quick, its got to help you feel a bit better, eh?"

She makes her way into the room after closing the door with almost no sound. She places the vial on a table near the bed and has a seat on its corner. "I'm got approval for my debut outfit so now i have to go back to the boutique and speak with the fine clothier about details. What are you working on creating?"

"Puppets. For the children here" Gabrielle leaned over, a kiss planted on odette's cheek. "I already have some balm, but, I thank you greatly for it. I am sure that I shall have need of it in the future. And, Odette. You are very welcome" Gabrielle replied. "It was words you spoke that came at a moment when I needed them most and they were very profound" She picked up the fabric that she had put down. "Marcello Giordano creations" She pointed to a dress that hung on her wardrobe door. "That is my one and only. He's supposed to be working on something red for me. But that, was a patrons gift, from my very first patron"

Odette accepts the kiss with a sly smile. "What a wonderful idea! Puppets. As far as words go... Naamah comes in all forms.. even ourselves on occasion. I just said what came to mind, but she's the source." She gives Gabi a thoughtful look. "You are looking far more cheerful, and more comfortable in your own skin - even if itself is feeling swollen and tight. What a lovely transformation." She leans back on her left arm and runs her free hand over Gabrielle's short dark hair.

"She will provide. I tell him that, a friend. He shakes his head, but, it is true" The curls bounce, shining in the light in the room. "I am still, to some degree sad, but" Gabrielle paused, the needle partway through the fabric. "I am at peace. Every now and then, I catch my breath, but.. " Gabrielle nodded. 'A thousand little prayers, offered up to her" She looked over. 'What will your dress look like?"

Odette nods somber and reflective. "A thousand little prayers.. in each step, each needle bite, each breath. It is so true. Just sometimes we forget it." Then her smile blossoms once more, she pushes her wayward hair behind her ear excitedly. "'ll be brilliant! I drew a sketch already but.. well anyway... its going to be a series of patchwork white fabrics, all different sorts... very revealing and tight fit torso then a bit of a flare out... the patchwork will be mostly transparent except for strategically placed pieces.. The whole look will be artful tatters... like a servant out of an old court poem from the darker ages."

Gabrielle lit up. "Ohh, a challenge for Marcello. He will like that" Gabrielle replied, shifting and putting the sewing away to the side. She grabbed the newly aquired crockery and passed it to Odette, turning her back to the woman, as if that was instruction enough. "He'll most likely be working upon it when I visit so Is hall do my best not to distract him till it is done"

Odette chuckles. "Yes I'll imagine it will take quite a bit of work.. the painting was enough... i used bit of fabric on it." She takes the bottle in hand and shifts her weight, tucking her legs under to come to a kneeling position beside the courtesan. She lifts the cork and the distinct scent of green plants mixed with sharp herbal tone wafts out. It is not altogether unpleasant, just medicinal. She pours some of the thick balm onto her palms and rubs her hands together gently warming the liquid with her body's own heat. She then lays her hands on Gabrielle's tormented back with precision and care. "This will obviously hurt.. but something we are taught is to not judge the sensation... be as a child who doesn't know what to fear or what to embrace.. allow your curiosity to explore the feeling without labeling it as hurtful or unpleasant. Its just what it is.. like the sun on your face... or the the cold of the snow... both have the potential to hurt... or heal." With those words said in a comforting tone, she begins her ministrations, carefully applying the balm to any pained area with soft and agile fingertips.

"There is a good pain, and there is a bad pain" Gabrielle replied. "This, is a good pain, and one I will gladly endure" She replied. "He will be done your dress in no time. Truly. He excel's at his art, that's what it is"

Odette chuckles softly. "I can surely understand that sentiment... you really should come spend some time with me at Valerian." Continues to work her fingers over the the raised lines of design, coating them in a glistening honey-like sheen. "Truth. Well, I'm in no rush since the Dowayne would have me wait till Naamah's own become as celibate as a Casseline. At least he's alowed me the preoccupation of a theme."

Gabrielle choked at Odette's confession, looking over her shoulder. "Did you jus..." The girl laughed. "Celibate" She grinned. 'There's no fun in that"

"Dont remind me... You wouldn't want to see me all twitchy-like. Its really unattractive." Odette sticks her tounge out and makes a very amusing 'unattractive' face.

Gabrielle laughed "It will come soon enough. Much like Naamah provides, so will Dowayne Thomas" Gabrielle eached her back, the balm soothing after the initial application and she looked over her shoulder at her back, or what part of it she could see. "Almost done. Soon this will be you. When you get your bands, I will return the favor"

Odette lets out a soft sigh and trials her fingers leisurely along Gabrielle's shoulder before pulling them away. "I'll appreciate that, luv."

'As for coming to Valerian. I'll think of that. I am trying right now just to master my lessons at mandrake" She smiled. "One house at time, before my head explodes"

Odette claps eagerly. "What are you learning at Mandrake? I'm so curious what they teach other houses..."

'How to be a Dowayne" A grin on Gabrielle's face. "For a centime, and a kiss, she is teaching me what I will need, to be a strong Dowayne. Or what Mandrake can teach me. Though, people have been accusing her of hardening my heart" Gabrielle shook her head. "I just haven't learned quite yet how to balance it all, but I am trying. Did I not get you in my room and sitting upon my bed, /and/ rubbing balm into my back?"

Odette unfolds her legs and drapes them over the edge of the bed and leans back on her hands to support her weight. Her low voice if full of mirth as she responds, "Mmm. That you did my girl, and without even asking me. Who knows what else that deliciously evil woman is capable of teaching you..."

'Is she not? But first, I have to master this. On a valerian, well, it's easy enough. But, on those who are not of Mont nuit" Gabrielle shrugged, readjusting the towel around her. "It will take time, I have many years till I will be Dowayne"

Odette scoffs and pokes her friend in the shoulder playfully, as she exclaims, "Did you just call me easy?! Well, I never! " She then grumbles with her full lips in a perfect pout, "And I won't ever if I dont push Thomas into it..." Then the act disappears and Odette sits as herself donning slight smirk and those intense teal eyes.

"A pushy Valerian. Naamah help him, you'll go for a pretty ducat. A fiesty Valerian to break" She teased.

Odette runs her hand through her hair and muses aloud, "Really I dont care too much for the money of it, I dont feel caged by my House, no need to hurry to make my marque. But just think of what fun it'll be to get them competing, throwing their ducats at my feet to be the first to have me. That.. that will be the fun."

Gabrielle smiled and leaned over. "They will be begging to share your first night" Odette giggles nearly at the same time she hums with pleasure... "Imagine two of them... wouldn't that just be... something. As it is I'm not sure how serving a room full of folks will go... I mean selected ones but still..."

'it is something" Gabrielle spoke with a knowing grin. "You are kept /very/ busy, but it is twice the joy" A flicker of sadness, but it was mixed with fondness. "Enough with me. I have tasks to do and cannot laze about. Before peter goes mandrake on my rear!"

Odette laughs. "Oh well if he threatens, tell him I was an accomplice and i will take them in your stead" Odette smirks. "I wonder how hard he'd swing..." Her voice is full of pretend longing, that sounds edged with real interest.

I do not know, but he'd do it lovingly?" Gabrielle replied, shfiting off the bed and putting away her sewing supplies before moving to the wardrobe for a clean shift.

Odette shrugs, "well in theory thats how we all go about our business... with love eh?" She smiles, but her eyes are full of distracted though. "Something to ponder... Well my dear, I will leave you to it. I must also get back, report to the slave driver." She makes her way over and offers a tender kiss of greeting to each of her soft cheeks (or departing in this case). "Thank you again for the fine letter, I will treasure it."

"Naamah bless your day Odette, Odie" Gabrielle teased. "Try not to enjoy it too much!" The kisses received and given, and a light brush across the full lips with her own.

"She always does...," she chimes in a confident tone as she ducks out of the residence with a smirk and a slight bow.

marque, house heliotrope, prayer, odette, debut, gabrielle, pain, house valerian

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