Meeting Solene

Jan 17, 2008 23:00

"Meeting Solene'
Midday on the 17th of Janvier in the Year 1186
Odette, Solene
Mont Nuit Courtyard

Odette hurries up the hill carrying a small parcel in her arms, she holds it delicately as if it some precious object. Her hooded cloak shields her from the cold. She makes her way through the courtyard towards Valerian House. Coming up along the path, head nodded to watch the ground, is a girl of about the same age, and looking rather frightened. Upon seeing the other girl, her voice nearly fails her, but she manages to call out, "Mademoiselle?"

Odette turns and smiles full of mirth at the young woman. She responds in her slightly slurred country dialect, "Hmm? Yes?"

"Please excuse my rudeness," Solene murmurs, glancing up only briefly. "Are you a novice of House Valerian?"

Odette lips turn to a slight smirk, as she hears the woman's modest politeness. "Indeed, I am. Odette no Valerian, should you even need to know." She winks and giggles. "How can I be of service my sweet?"

"It's lovely to meet you, Mademoiselle Odette." Her voice is a bit stronger now, but Solene keeps her gaze politely averted "I have a letter to deliver to Lady Second Ariana no Valerian, and was not entirely sure who I should give it to."

Odette "The pleasure is all mine.... what is your name my dear? I'll happily take the missive." She offers her hand forward, from beneath her cloak.

Solene hands her the letter, neatly sealed and on stationary of House Alyssum. "Solene no Alyssum," she murmurs. "Thank you very much."

Odette takes the missive in hand with a cat-like grin. "Happy to my dear... but I must insist, it would be unkind of me not to invite you in for something warm after your journey. Please do come in and warm yourself before braving the elements once more..."

"I've already intruded upon you enough, though your offer is very kind." From the look on her face, it'd be a safe guess that she's more than a bit frightened by the idea of going into Valerian

"Are you sure, we don't bite... unless we are told to of course." She chuckles at her own joke and gestures towards the house. "We still have some lovely ginger cookies from this morning."

"I really shouldn't," mumurs Solene with a touch of regret. "You are more than welcome to come visit Alyssum sometime, if you would like. But I really musn't linger today."

Odette smiles gratefully. "Why thank you... mine is an open invitation a' course. I've visited once before to your house, you should ask lovely little Aglae about it." Odette laughs softly. "I don't think she'd forget that meeting. Well luv, its cold enough to freeze Elua's balls off out here, so I am heading in. I'll see the Second gets this without delay." Odette blows the other girl a kiss and winks again, her impish laughter ringing through the courtyard.

errands, solene, house alyssum, odette, house valerian

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