Title: Leaves of a Tree: An Eternal Love
yeyell15Genre: Angst
Pair: Guess who! LOL
Summary: No summary this is just too short! :D
Loving someone, it was the greatest feeling, it is happy yet painful. You need trust, and all. But keeping a love which had bloomed too early might be difficult. At such stage, confusion is still present. But even young love can be forever as long as you keep it to your heart and never let go. It may not go smoothly but as soon as time goes by, it will make you stronger. The love between the two people will be stronger. Thus, it wasn’t that way for them…
“Let’s break up…”
Hearing those words coming from the one you love so much is the most painful. Did he heard it wrong? No he didn’t. He expected it so why does it still hurt? With everything between them aren’t going good, he expected it so why?
“Ne, why did it turned out this way.” the younger whimpered holding onto the latter’s sleeves.
“I-I don’t know…” he answered.
Sobs filled the room they have shared for years. The room that was full of happiness was now filled with sorrow. Everything has changed. Love became nothing between them. And that was the end of it.
Years had gone by; they were living separate ways now. One, living happily with his new found love and one still hoping to be with him at the end.
“Ne, are you really happy now?” the beautiful pale guy whispered while looking at the blue sky reaching up his hands trying to catch the leaves falling from above. Hoping that this time, his hands will be intertwined together with the hand of his beloved again…maybe for the last time. “If you are then I can really o now…” slowly, he closed his eyes as tears beautifully flowed into his cheeks.
“Ne, thank you for loving me…”
A/N: Okay, for a coming back fic! LOL don’t kill me…just can’t help making an angst…=.= it’s my line you know! Ahahahaah anyways enjoy reading! :D comments are love! Warning! This is not proof read so sorry for grammatical errors! :3