"A fortysomething man in overalls sings about proper terminology for your anatomy. You don't often see a song played on a miniature guitar that contains the word 'vulva'."
I realize that the commentary isn't yours, BUT for what it's worth, that's a ukelele of some sort - only 4 strings.
And that was at the very least mildly disturbing. I was waiting for "Anus/Is what I lick with my tongue/Anus/Now don't get scared and run./Just get into the van, that's where you'll become a man/And remember that you can't tell anyone/"
That's always the answer isn't it? If there's ever an embarrassing/sensitive topic that must be discussed, why do people think that putting it in song to a ukelele makes it any easier? It actually just makes it scarier.
What ever happened to "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"? Ah the simpler days.
Comments 7
And that was at the very least mildly disturbing. I was waiting for "Anus/Is what I lick with my tongue/Anus/Now don't get scared and run./Just get into the van, that's where you'll become a man/And remember that you can't tell anyone/"
What ever happened to "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"? Ah the simpler days.
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