
Aug 14, 2008 21:50

Title: MatchMaker
Chapter: 8/13
Pairings: EunHae, KiHae, SiHae, SiChul, KiHan
Side Pairings: KangTeuk, KyuWook, YeMin
Rating: PG-16
Summary: They were known as the school MatchMakers; if you wanted a steady relationship with someone you’d love forever, they were the three to go see. But the MatchMakers can’t find someone for themselves! When a new student transfers in, will their situation change for the better... Or worse?
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I was gone on vacation X.X; I'm going to try to get this story done before I go back to school on the 25th, so that means you'll be seeing updates come fast for the next two weeks. I'm planning to start Till Death do we Part during the last week of August, after I get used to college. Thanks for all the comments as always, you guys make my day ^.^

As the day of the party drew nearer, the dance club now known as Super Junior got to work. HeeChul wanted them to show off their first performance at the night club where he would be hosting the party, as their informal ‘debut’. Of course none of them expected they might have a chance at becoming real singers; they were just doing it for fun.

RyeoWook continued to pester KyuHyun to join, though the boy was rather hesitant. After a while of debate, it was decided that the group would also sing as well as dance, which went over better for some people than others. It was the day after this was decided when KyuHyun finally joined the group, making it thirteen. Unfortunately, they were too far gone in their choreography for their debut, and their main choreographer ShinDong couldn’t see a way to stick KyuHyun in and get him to learn everything at such short notice, so KyuHyun would have to sit out for this performance. He was reassured by everyone that this didn’t make him any less of a member of Super Junior.

The bullying continued. Even with HyukJae and KyuHyun on the alert, DongHae couldn’t stay with the others all day. He was cornered while walking back home from school, or to school in the mornings, and was thrown threatening glares from girls and guys alike during classes. He tried his best to keep smiling, though even with his twelve friends looking out for him, it was still hard to feel welcome when over half the school seemed to hate him for no reason other than simply existing.

Once, he confided in HyukJae that maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to come into the city in the first place. He was a country boy; he’d never had to deal with such an immense hatred before when his home town had a population of less than 200 people. Everyone knew everyone; there hadn’t been much room for drama even in highschool.

“Hae, what are you saying?” HyukJae scowled lightly, leaning forward a bit on DongHae’s bed. He was with DongHae in the small apartment Hae had rented by himself, working on the choreography for their dance. “Don’t let them get to you! They’re just jealous that they can’t be you. Lots of people get picked on like that; you can’t just let them mow you down.”

“Were you picked on too, Hyukkie?” DongHae asked.

HyukJae nodded. “Plenty of times. They called me monkey, smelly, lots of names. Most of it stopped when I joined the MatchMakers, but I still get the odd remark every now and then. Most of it’s HeeChul, but still.” He picked at the comforter he was sitting on. “Just hold your head up and keep going. It’ll wear off eventually.”

There was another DongHae had talked to about the bullying problem. His older cousin from back at home, who had always looked after him even before his father died. They considered themselves more as brothers than cousins, and it had hurt DongHae to leave the older male behind. But his cousin had been happy back home, and had wanted no part in the city life that DongHae had craved since little.

A scowl came from the other end of the phone. “I don’t like this Hae. You should just come back home. It’s not as if you can’t go to university here. You’re so far away in Seoul, and the city’s not as great as you think it is. You see that now, right?”

“But JungHoon hyung, I like it here. I’ve got lots of friends here. I like my job, and I like the city in general. Just not the people in my school.”

“You’ve got friends here too. Or did you forget about KyuJong, and YoungSaeng? You just about broke poor TaeMin’s heart when you left, he wouldn’t stop asking about you and where you were, if you were safe… Even MinHo’s been a bit downtrodden, and he’s hardly ever glum.”

DongHae smiled sadly. “I… I know. But I want to stay here a while longer.”

“… Fine. But if I hear about anything happening to you, DongHae, you’re getting your butt on the next airplane out. I’ll pay for your university fees here if I have to, and the plane tickets. Do you hear?”

DongHae nodded slightly. “Alright, hyung.”


The day of the party, hardly anyone at school could sit straight. Everyone was wired and eager for night to come, even KyuHyun who wouldn’t be performing, and RyeoWook who disliked parties in general and was still a little unsteady from his recent illness. SungMin had outdone himself, making tons of posters inviting the students to come to the party and watch their debut performance. The majority of the students would be going anyways, because no one wanted to miss out on HeeChul’s parties. YeSung inspected each and every one of the posters as they were being made, making sure SungMin had only a limited amount of pink crayons at his disposal. He had to confiscate quite a number of them to make sure SungMin wouldn’t go color-crazy.

KiBum, smiling mysteriously, drew KangIn aside that lunch after their last practice session. SiWon and HyukJae followed, curious. “I’ve found someone for you, who I think you might be a little… Interested in,” He said. HyukJae and SiWon exchanged confused glances. Though KiBum had said he’d found a match for KangIn, he hadn’t told either of them of that person yet.

“Great! Who is she?” KangIn asked, looking around.

“You’ll meet the person we’ve chosen for you tonight at the party,” KiBum said, restraining laughter at KangIn’s ticked expression. “Until then.” He walked off into the hallways, whistling to himself.

The party started at eight. Only a few more hours left.


7:00 PM

KyuHyun drew in a small breath, looking at RyeoWook’s closed bedroom door. His boyfriend had shooed him out, wanting his outfit for the dance to be a surprise. Trying not to think too much about it, he left his attention wander until he heard the soft click of the door opening.

Turning around to look at RyeoWook, the younger boy froze, then swallowed. “R-RyeoWook, you look… Wow.” There were no words for it. Maybe it was because RyeoWook had never worn leather pants better, or chain accessories, or maybe it was the bright, excited look in his eyes.

“Thanks,” RyeoWook said, blushing. “Let’s go?”


7:15 PM

DongHae fiddled nervously with his shirt sleeve, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Trying to see himself like how others would see him. Searching for any flaws or neglect that would make others hate him so much. He could find plenty, but nothing that would cause him to be hated to such an extent… What was he going to do?

He looked at the picture of himself and JungHoon hyung from back home. JungHoon wanted him back home, he had made that clear. And DongHae just wasn’t sure anymore.

SiWon. If he could just get a full sentence out around him without looking like a moron… If he could tell SiWon how he felt… He bit his lower lip lightly. That was what he needed to do then. Tell SiWon. That way, he wouldn’t have any regrets. And SiWon probably already thought of him as an idiot, so what was he afraid of?

Rejection, of course. But he tried not to think about it.

He’d tell then. Tonight.

“Hae, are you coming or what?” HyukJae asked impatiently from the door. When DongHae stepped into view, HyukJae blinked, stared, then sharply wheeled around to hide his red face. “Alright! Let’s go!” With that he marched off, right into the doorframe.

DongHae tried not to laugh as HyukJae rubbed his sore nose, then grabbed the boys hand and pulled him out into the streets. Their hands felt warm together, and HyukJae was struck by the urge to either pull away as fast as he could, or hold that hand tighter and never let go. He tried his best to keep it from showing, talking excitedly with DongHae about their debut, and trying to ignore the glances DongHae was getting from others on the street. He could understand why they would stare, but it didn’t help the sudden protective streak he’d developed on the boy who was his best friend.


7:30 PM

KiBum glanced at the time, thankful that he lived so close to the nightclub where the party was. He could leave later and arrive perfectly on time, without having to rush. It gave him a few extra moments to collect his thoughts. Most involving a certain boy with a big goofy smile and dancing eyes.

He knew DongHae only saw him as a friend. He knew DongHae liked SiWon. But he also knew SiWon didn’t think of DongHae that way. A bitter smile twisted the boys’ lips. Ironic, wasn’t it. They all seemed to be trapped in an endless circle of unrequited love. DongHae for SiWon. SiWon for HeeChul, as oblivious as he was to it (though everyone else besides DongHae noticed). HyukJae for DongHae. YeSung for SungMin… SungMin for KyuHyun.

And KiBum for DongHae. There was just no denying it any longer.

The smart thing to do would be to watch from afar. Give DongHae up as a lost cause, and let things flow as they will. The smart thing would be to pull back, before he was so deeply ensnared that he couldn’t break free.

But was it already too late for that?

Should he throw caution to the winds, just this once? Allow himself to be selfish enough, and naïve enough to think that he wasn’t going to face a full rejection if he allowed his feelings to show themselves? Was one moment of believing DongHae could be his enough to stop his heart from being crushed entirely?

It had to be. He was tired of keeping secrets.

And speaking of secrets… He had one more thing he needed to do before he left for the party. Walking over to the phone, he picked it up and held the device to his ear, dialing in a half-familiar number. He let it ring.

“Good evening, it’s Kim KiBum. Is LeeTeuk there?”


7:45 PM

“Come on Sungie, we’re going to be late!”

YeSung allowed himself to be dragged down the street, protesting all the way at the rushed speed. SungMin was way too enthusiastic for his own good. “The performance isn’t going to start until 9:00,” YeSung said. “Why the hurry?”

“Because we have to be there on time regardless, dummy! We’re part of the group!” And of course, no one wanted to face HeeChul’s wrath at arriving later than the given time.

YeSung still didn’t want to rush. He had finally made up his mind, and decided the time was right to tell SungMin how he felt. SungMin was still looking after KyuHyun that was true. But he seemed to be accustomed to the idea that KyuHyun was beyond his reach now, and happy with RyeoWook. He also knew SungMin didn’t have the heart to break up that relationship.

He might be rejected. He might not. At least he would get his feelings in the open, and let SungMin know that there was another option out there. It would be a weight off his chest. If RyeoWook could do this, so could he.

Tonight, he told himself firmly. How he would have reacted had he known two others were thinking the exact same way, that’s left to us to imagine.


A lone figure watched cars pass by on the street below. Then the curtains were drawn, leaving the only light in the room as the small lamp on the desk. She walked over to the camera sitting there, picking it up and deleting all the pictures on it, leaving the memory blank with tons of space for more.

Nothing else had worked. This had to be done. That boy was a demon, messing with the minds of three of the schools most well-known students. And many others too. Apparently nothing could stop him. But this could. If only she could catch him in the act… She could protect the three people that mattered the most to her. Her grip on the camera tightened, as she took one last look at the digital clock by the desk before leaving the room. Her footsteps echoed down the hallway, then faded.

8:00 PM

pairing: siwon/donghae, fandom: super junior, fanfic: matchmakers, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction

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