There For You

Jun 18, 2008 18:41

Title: There For You
Chapter: 10/13
Pairing: KyuWook (Main), KyuMin, YeMin
Rating: PG-16
Summary: RyeoWook and KyuHyun have been best friends all their lives. KyuHyun has a long-suffering crush on their classmate, SungMin, but never confessed, only telling RyeoWook. Unfortunately, RyeoWook is deeply in love with KyuHyun, and suffers under the knowledge that he'll forever be 'best friend only'. Secrets start to come out, and both their lives will literally turn upside-down

It was silent for the longest time. KyuHyun could feel his heart hammering in his chest when RyeoWook didn’t respond right away. He prayed that RyeoWook wouldn’t be mad at him. He couldn’t lose his best friend; he’d done a lot of thinking in the past month, and realized that when it came down to it, RyeoWook was more precious to him than even SungMin. He could live if SungMin rejected him in the end… If he lost RyeoWook during the process, he’d never be able to forgive himself.

“RyeoWook, please say something,” He pleaded softly. When he ran his fingers lightly through RyeoWook’s soft hair, the boy flinched, pulling away from him a bit. KyuHyun’s heart broke a bit more as he saw that the tears had started falling again.

“Why are you doing this to me?” RyeoWook sobbed, renewing his struggle to get free. KyuHyun held onto him determinedly; for one, if RyeoWook was released he’d fall off the bed, and two, he’d run off again. KyuHyun wasn’t going to wait and see if he was hit by a car again. He’d been so scared that RyeoWook wouldn’t make it after the accident, he didn’t want to feel that pain again, and knowing the emotional and physical pain RyeoWook had been in made it that much harder. “It hurts, don’t you see? I can’t take it anymore! Just leave me alone!”

“You don’t mean it,” KyuHyun said softly, trying to get RyeoWook to look at him. “I know you. If I left you alone, it would make this ten times worse. I know it hurts. Please, calm down.”

“Let me go!”

“No,” KyuHyun said firmly, and even though he knew RyeoWook was in a state that he didn’t mean what he said, the words were still no less harsh to hear. He had to make RyeoWook happy again… But how?

Accept his love?

It wasn’t right though… He was in love with SungMin. If he told RyeoWook that he loved him, that would be lying, because no matter how much of a friend RyeoWook was, a portion of his heart rested with SungMin. Would he be able to handle the guilt of lying to the one person who never deserved to be lied to? But if he let RyeoWook go, would things ever be the same between them? The answer to that was easy. Besides, what were the chances of Sungmin loving him that way?

“I don’t see why you care,” Stammered RyeoWook, trying to maintain his composure even with tears staining his cheeks. “You have SungMin. You love him, and…” And he loves you. But he couldn’t bring himself to say it, to repeat what YeSung had told him only yesterday. Because it would be too hard, to see KyuHyun turn from him forever.

KyuHyun took a deep breath, finally deciding what he was going to do. He had no way of knowing if this would backfire in the long run, but right now, RyeoWook needed him ten times more than SungMin did. Maybe he could learn to love RyeoWook that way. The boy was quite lovable, though KyuHyun had never seen him as more than a brother.

“I don’t love SungMin,” KyuHyun stated. That got RyeoWook’s attention, and his struggles slowed a bit. Good thing, KyuHyun’s arms were starting to hurt from keeping a good grip on the boy. “I’ve spent time with him, and I saw that he isn’t the right person for me. But… I think you are.”

“You’re lying,” RyeoWook said softly, but KyuHyun had seen the slight trace of hope in the boys eyes, past the unshed tears. “You’ve always loved SungMin, you-“

KyuHyun promptly shut him up by leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against RyeoWook’s.

RyeoWook was shocked beyond belief, stopping his fight to be free instantly. KyuHyun was kissing him? But KyuHyun loved SungMin, why would he suddenly change his mind like this - He lost all coherent thoughts when KyuHyun moved to deepen the kiss a bit, freeing one hand to hold the back of RyeoWooks head. RyeoWook gasped softly into the other boy’s mouth, not sure if he should return the kiss, but giving up all misgivings under the light pressure of those very soft lips.

When RyeoWook started shyly kissing back, KyuHyun breathed a mental sigh of relief. He must be forgiven then. About to pull back, he realized his body wasn’t exactly following his thoughts anymore, continuing to kiss RyeoWook. He was enjoying this far too much. The smaller boy tasted sweet, with a faint trace of the mint he was forever carrying around. And the light, innocent way he returned the kiss was intoxicating.

Finally snapping out of it long enough to pull back, he looked down at RyeoWook’s flushed face and lips slightly swollen from the kiss, and wondered what in the world he had gotten himself into. “Do you really mean it?” RyeoWook whispered, and KyuHyun could hear his hopeful tone. “You’re not lying?”

“No,” KyuHyun said, pushing away the stab of guilt. He leaned down to peck RyeoWook lightly on the lips, resisting the urge to devour the boy’s mouth again. “And I’m not going to leave you alone again. I promise.”


YeSung watched with amusement as SungMin paced up and down his living room, obviously arguing with himself. Aloud, no less. “You’re going to wear out my carpet,” YeSung said with a faint smile. SungMin was cute when flustered, which he was now.

SungMin took the hint, plopping down on the sofa next to YeSung, but he then started fidgeting with the hem of his shirt until YeSung slapped his hands apart, not wanting the boy to damage his clothes. “So what’s got you so worked up this time?” YeSung asked. “Did your little sister steal your stuffed animals again?” YeSung was the only one privy to the secret that SungMin actually loved stuffed animals, and had quite a large collection hidden in his room. Unfortunately, his sister also knew where the collection was, and kidnapped the toys often.

“No,” SungMin said, shaking his head hard. “I’ve decided something. I’m just very, very nervous about it.”

“So nervous you’re working up a fever,” YeSung noted, placing the back of one hand against the boys forehead. “Thought so. Should you even be out of bed? You’re burning up.”

SungMin pouted cutely, swatting the offending hand away. “I’m just fine.” He fidgeted again.

YeSung leaned forward a bit. “Okay then. Tell me what’s got you so worked up.” SungMin gulped a bit, then took a deep breath, red staining his cheeks.

“I’m going to tell KyuHyun I love him.”

pairing: yesung/sungmin, fandom: super junior, pairing: kyujong/jungmin, pairing: kyuhyun/ryeowook, fanfic: there for you, writing: fanfiction

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