Pokedex Log #020: Final Goodbyes

Jun 17, 2012 15:06

Title: Final Goodbyes
Length: 682 words
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters: EeTeuk, KangIn, DongHae, EunHyuk
Rating: PG
Warning: AU, Character Death
Summary: The aftermath of EeTeuk's father's funeral.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU.  Masterlist/Character List | Request Thread | Comments are loved!! <3

There was only silence for the longest time. The progression had left, only four people remaining. DongHae and EunHyuk hung back, giving the two older men their space. DongHae, usually anything but quiet, hadn't spoken a word since the beginning of the ceremony.

"We got into a fight, just before I left town," EeTeuk said, seemingly to himself. Crouched down in front of the tombstone, he looked at the flowers arranged in front blankly. "Something stupid, I can't remember what. Hadn't been back since. I was...surprised when he called and said he wanted me to come back, that he was sick. I didn't think he'd care if I was there or not, we never really saw eye-to-eye."

"He was still your father," KangIn said, a gentle note in his gruff voice. He wasn't good with this sort of thing, but EeTeuk needed a gentle hand right now. He'd been distant since his father died.

"Yeah," EeTeuk murmured, resting his elbows on his knees. KangIn watched as the older man zoned out in self-reflection, looking back at the tombstone. He'd never met EeTeuk's father before they arrived in town, but from what the others had said multiple times during their trips, his father hadn't been the most pleasant of people. He hadn't been the best father figure either. But no matter what EeTeuk said about him, he did love his father.

They hadn't been able to consolidate their relationship before the man died, and it was clear EeTeuk felt that.

Standing up, KangIn decided the best thing to do now would be to give EeTeuk space to grief. He retreated to where DongHae and EunHyuk were waiting, Aipom attached to EunHyuk's leg and Mudkip back in his pokeball.

Fifteen minutes later EeTeuk joined them, giving a strained smile. "Well...let's go."

"You don't want to stick around town for a few days?" EunHyuk asked, eyes worried. EeTeuk shook his head, and they didn't push him any further than that, not certain what his train of thought was then.

The walk towards the edge of town was somber, EeTeuk trailing behind. KangIn kept him company, mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of something to say. Nothing helpful came to mind.

DongHae dropped back to walk on EeTeuk's other side. Glancing at him and seeing the smile sent his way, KangIn shook his head before speeding up to walk with EunHyuk. EeTeuk didn't look at either of them.

"My father died five years back," DongHae said after a minute of silence. He gave EeTeuk a sad smile. "Fishing accident. Ship got stuck out in a storm, steered right into the rocks. Bam, that was it. Him and three other people he worked with, all dead. The village head said it would have been quick, with how the crash was, but it didn't really help me and mom any."

He linked his hands behind his head, walking along beside EeTeuk. Silence reigned again. As they were passing through the town boundaries and out onto the open road, EeTeuk asked, "Do you miss him?"

"Every day," DongHae's grin was a little forced. "I mean, he was my dad. And it's cause of him I wanted to be a trainer in the first place, else I probably would be on a fishing boat like the rest of the village. I like to think he's watching still, and is proud of me."

EeTeuk swallowed. "I never had that kind of relationship with him...we argued a lot. I don't think he's ever been proud of me, or really wanted me around."

"Sure he does," DongHae hummed. When EeTeuk looked at him, the younger man stretched out his arms. "He called and said to come home, didn't he? To say goodbye. You don't do that for people you don't like. And you wouldn't have come back, if there was nothing there."

EeTeuk didn't reply, wiping at his eyes lightly. Finally he looked up at DongHae with a small smile. His dimples didn't show, but the action didn't look as strained as before. "Thanks Hae." DongHae grinned back at him.

fandom: super junior, fanfic: pokemon!au, writing: fanfiction

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